Chapter 7:scene 4:when i'm gone

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The car went fast ,letting the wind blow threw my golden hair.Finn's smile and laugh made me forget about everything.I was lost by just looking into his eyes'.He made me forgot about things i didn't want to remember,thing that needed to be forgotten and he helped.Just one good memory with him mad me forget for a while.He pushed in a button that played a selection of music..The emotional side of me came out again.I started to cry.I started to remember a friend i had.She had committed suicide,he hated her life,i was the one she had talked to.All the memories came flooding into my mind.A tear dropped down my face but i tried to stop the tears from falling.

                                                 I still didn't know where we were headed.The car was beginning to slow down.We pulled up to a diner.A sign covered in  red and white light spelt "Pennies Diner"Finn unstrapped Lili and took her in his arms.I watched as he sheltered her in his arms while i pulled out the pram and unfolded it.He handed her to me ,and stepped back.I laid her down and pulled a blanket over her.I let him wheel the pram as he insisted.The car was parked a while away from the Diner.So we talked about Lili."i want a baby,i want Lili."he said with a giggle."haha you will have a baby when the times right,when you meet the right person."

                                                We got up to the door and i could tell people where nice.A lady pulled pulled the door open,her smile spread across her face as she saw the baby.Finn thanked her and moved quickly.We waited in line like everybody else waiting for a table.Most people were i the line with their families and others  in couples."Couples table?"she asked looking at the two of us standing close to each other."no-we're not a couple"Said Finn ."Oh-sorry,normal table then?" she said showing us to a table that seated 3 people.

                                                After we finished eating we got into the car,The sky was now black and the air was cold.Finn strapped Lili back into the car .She was blowing bubbles in her sleep.She looked so peaceful,calm it was great to feel  like i had her down for the night.I felt really tired.Finn noticed that i was tired so he put on the heating in the car and pushed my seat back.I was so comfortable in Finn's car.My eyes began to close.Dreams came flooring into my mind.Different ones that i have dreamt about before.Sometimes i wish they were real.I wish the things i dream about would come true like having the other baby.Just holding him in my arms,feeling his little fingers touch off mine.Hearing him cry.His first word ,his first tooth to come out.I wish that was real,that it would come true.

                                                  I  opened my eyes quickly.I tried to stop my eyes from tearing up.It was too hard to not think about him.What he would look like.Everything about him.I turned away from Finns sight.I didn't want to cry.I felt like screaming STOP CRYING.But i  couldn't not with Finn there.I started to scratch my wrist.I needed to stop crying."are you okay?Bell?"Finn said turning to face me ."STOP  CRYING,BELLA SOP CRYING,STOP CRYING,STOP CRYING!"i said loud in the car.

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