Chapter 6scene 2:love.

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Dan's POV

After Bella went to see Marcus with Lili she was acting strange .She didn't talk much in the car .She kept Lili in her arms.Alfie rang us to see were we where .I just handed the phone to Bella"where around the corner Alfie,calm down ."Bella said every word with a giggle.We pulled up to the drive way.We walked up the staires and opened the door.All of our friends were in the aparment including Marcus and Phil.

"SURPRISE"they screamed out as we opened the door.All of Bellas friends ran over to Bella and finally she called me over and took my hand.The baby started to cry ,she said "'l'll get it" i called while i grabbed the baby bag.And i took Lili in my hands i changed her and she went to sleep without a sound.Marcus was walked to Bella talking to for a but a hour.Aflie joined the group of Finn ,Sam,Troye,Elyar an the two of them .Elyar liked Bella and everyone could tell he had the spark in his eye whne he was around her and i think she liked it.

Bella hugged Elyar ."hey Elyar"she smiled as she said it.Marcus called Bella  over to talk .She giggled a few times and i wished she oved me like she loved Marcus.I let them talk.

                                 More guest arrived and it started to get pretty crowded.Aventully most people left except Finn ,Alfie and Marcus.hey stayed helping Bella clean the apartment.There was ballons,wrapping paper and card all over the floor.We all sat down on couch a the same time.Bella pulled out a bottle of wine for her self and handed us beer.Marcus took pictures of Lili with everyone.It was getting really dark out and Finn decided to go .Afie and Marcus decided to stay a little longer.

Marcus's POV

I really didn' want to leave Bella i wanted to stay with he.I knew she was my best friend but when we kissed it felt special to me.I really didn't want to mess things up with our relationship.So i agred to go with Alfie.We push the front doors' open and the burst of cold air hit out faces.I shivered then we began to walk down the road in the winters night.

                                              We ended up at  Alfis house i think i was staying over in his house.His mum didn't mind me staying is what Alfie mostly said.We stayed in the sitting room watching tele and then Alfie got a text.


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