Chapter 8: Where Am I?

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 Suddenly, everything went black. After a moment, George slowly started to open his eyes. He stood in a completely blank white room. He looked around, only to see nothing. He walked forward a few steps, but still nothing.

"Where am I?" He asked himself. "Hello?" Suddenly a sign appeared in front of him. It read "Keep walking this way and you will find your way." with a big arrow pointing straight ahead. George walked slowly, but it felt as if he wasn't going anywhere. Everything looked the same, you couldn't even tell the walls from the floor or the floor from the sky. It was all a blank slate. George just kept walking.

All of a sudden, things started to form. It all came in in pixels, but for each step he took, more pixels were added. He walked faster and picked up his feet more. Until finally, the shape was more recognizable. Everything was still white, but it took a shape. A shape of a building. There were large white pillars with signs hung very high and benches all along the sides. It looked as if it was a train station. People crowded the center of the large structure, all of them dressed in white. George noticed all his clothes were white and his hair too. The only thing that wasn't white, was people's eyes.

After a minute of staring at the crowd and trying to capture everything, George spotted a booth named "Tickets" and arrows on the floor pointing from where he stood to that booth. George started walking towards the booth, but he took a moment to look back from where he came from. More people appeared from the mysterious white wall. He didn't notice them before, but now he couldn't help but keep looking at everyone. Before entering the line, he noticed something in his pocket. He pulled it out (it was a card) and opened it. A small fairy popped out and danced around the card.

"Why hello George! Welcome to the afterlife! Here you will find everything you ever loved and be home forever! But now's not the time for chatting, go to the booth and get your ticket. More will be explained later. Have a good trip!"

George looked around in awe. He took a quick look back down at his hand and the card was gone. Remembering what the fairy had said, he got in line at the booth and waited. The line moved quickly and he was only one person away in a minute.

"Name please," The ticket booth guy said.

"Uhh George, George Davidson"

"Ah yes, you are right here Mr. Davidson" He hands George a card. "Follow the instructions on the card and you will be home in no time!"

"Thank you, um, one question. I'm looking for a friend of mine who I believed arrived here a few days ago."

"Well of course! Could you give me his name?"

"Well uh- he goes by Dream but-"

"Say no more! I remember him. He couldn't get on the train because of complications with his card. Luckily, today it was fixed and he will be taking the train home tonight."

"Amazing, do you know where I can find him?"

"You see the platform number on your card? He should be waiting right there for you."

"How do you know that?"

"I know everything, George. Mostly because under your loved ones, his name is there and you always go to the same platform as your closest loved ones." George looked down and smiled at his card, reading the list of loved ones and his platform number.

"Thank you very much, sir!"

"Well of course! Next!"

George began heading towards his platform, keeping his eyes up for Dream but having difficulties navigating through the crowd. As he walked further the crowd died down and George couldn't help but be anxious. He took one last look at the platform number on his card and looked at the plate on the pillar next to him. Only 2 platforms left and no sign of Dream. George started to get worried as he kept walking forward. He got more and more anxious by the second and every step he took got shakier and shakier. 

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