Heartbreak city

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[Scene: Cupid is walking along in an alley. Drazi, the demon of hate, grabs Cupid and holds him up against a dumpster.]

Drazi: Hello, friend. I've been looking everywhere for you.

Cupid: Drazi.

Drazi: I knew I'd find ya.

Cupid: Yeah, listen Drazi.

(Drazi throws Cupid into some wooden boxes.)

Drazi: Couldn't leave it alone could ya? You just had to get in the way.

Cupid: You crossed the line.

Drazi: Crossed the line? I am the line. You're the one that went too far and now you're gonna pay.

Cupid: No, wait.

(Drazi reaches into Cupid's chest and squeezes his heart.)

Cupid: Ahh, you're killing me.

Drazi: I could do a lot more than that. A lot more. How does it feel, huh? I can tell ya, I know. Thanks to you, I know what it feels like to have your heart ripped out. You don't want to feel that pain do you? (He throws Cupid on the ground and stands on his arm.) No, I gotta better idea and you're gonna just hate it. (Drazi takes Cupid's ring.) Your little magic ring you use to slip in there between the heart beats, plant your little thoughts of love and I'm gonna borrow it. I'm gonna use it to tear apart some of your more recent unions.

Cupid: No, Drazi, no.

Drazi: I'm gonna turn love into hate and that hate is going to slowly and painfully kill you. And in the end, you're gonna wish I had ripped your heart out.

(He walks away.)

Cupid: Drazi!

[Scene: Outside the movie theatre. Prue, Jack, Pandora, Dan, Piper,Brady and Phoebe walk onto the sidewalk. Prue and Jack are holding hands and Dan has his arm around Piper.]

Phoebe: seventh wheel cutting in.

Piper: Oh, would you stop that.

Phoebe: Well, it is a triple date.

Prue: It would have been a quadruple date if Kevin hadn't cancelled.

Phoebe: I know. It seems to be an epidemic lately. Guys cancelling on me.

Piper: You know what happens when they cancel.

Prue: Ooh, back to square one.

Pandora: Do not pass go.

Phoebe: And all accured nookie credits are thrown out.

Jack: There's a penalty?

Prue,Pandora, Piper, Phoebe: Oh yeah!

Jack: You know this glimpse into feminine mystery frightens me to no end so allow me to change the subject. What did you think of the movie?

Piper: I liked it.

Prue: Loved it except for the bellbottoms.

Dan: It was okay, I guess.

Pandora: Who are you kidding? I heard you sniffle.

Dan: Fighting a cold.

Pandora: Liar.

Prue: Jack?

Jack: As far as classics go, it was no Dirty Dozen.

Phoebe: I slept through it.

Jack: You slept through Dirty Dozen?

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