Chapter 3: A reason. A purpose.

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Author's Notes:

This chapter sure is heavy, read at your own risk.


~~~~~~~~~ 36 Hours Ago ~~~~~~~~~

"NO! No!"


"AAAAH! Please, stop! STOP!"


"Mom! Dad! Someone! HELP! HEEE-"



"Ma'am? Ma'am, are you alright?" a soothing voice called out to you.

You focused your eyes again on the young soldier with the red scar, standing in the doorway, trying to remember where you were. She killed the titan that was about to eat you, the titan that had just eaten Daria. Just moments before the cadet slayed it, you were ready to charge to your death too. What for, you wondered. You flinched, head snapping around searching for the two children. They were just behind you, the oldest child holding onto your skirt for dear life and tears running down his face. The baby was quiet now too, probably starved and exhausted. You gave a sigh of relief, took the boy by his hand and lead them to the light. Both you and the boy had to cover your eyes when you finally emerged from the darkness of the house.

"Thank you." You nodded towards the girl and softly smiled, then your eyes properly took in your surroundings. The titan was huge and monstrous looking, probably around 20-metres. Even though it was evaporating, you could still study it from head to toe, never having seen one before. You had been raised inside wall Sina, after all. Stories and drawings were as close as you could get to a titan. They were truly odious looking creatures. People said they resembled the appearance of humans, but besides the fact both species were two-legged, you couldn't see the resemblance. Maybe you didn't want to see it. Your delicate best friend died in the most horrifying way, devoured by this abomination of nature. Life really likes playing some morbid games sometimes. Your heart hurt and you frowned. "Are there any more of these things so deep inside town?"

"No yet. This was an abnormal. The vanguard and middle guard soldiers are slowing them down so everyone can evacuate." Her voice was steady, it was like she didn't just kill a 20-metre monster just moments ago. For how young she looked, you admired her composure.

"I see...could you please take the children first? I will come by foot."

She seemed to think it over for a moment, but eventually decided against it. "I can't do that, ma'am. I need to make sure you evacuate safely."

"I see. Then could you please wait just a second? I....need to look for something."

She opened her mouth to refuse you, but before she could, you added. "Please," your voice pleading.

Maybe it was the look in your eyes that changed her mind, but she finally nodded and took the child's hand into her own. "You have one minute."

"Thank you."

You didn't know what you were hoping to find. You didn't know if you wanted to find anything at all. But you still had to search for something. Any proof that your friend was dead for sure. You heard the screams, you heard the begging, you even heard the way it bit down on her and the moment it swallowed her. But hope is a weird thing and despite everything, you had to make sure. You circled the beast, blood splatters all over the ground and steam surrounding you. You focused as hard as you could, looking everywhere near its mouth and hands, even under the titan's fallen body. But came up with nothing, Daria was gone entirely. No body to mourn, no body to bury. In a flash, she just disappeared, like she was never here to begin with, your memories now the only proof you had that she was real.

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