Chapter 11 - Tea.

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A shiver takes over your body, running up and down your spine, as a cold gentle breeze makes its way inside your infirmary. Leaning back into your chair, a deep sigh escapes from your chest and your gaze focuses on the sample jars standing on your desk, next to Hange's microscope. Night has fallen over the world a long time ago, freeing the creatures of the dark from their hiding, and you tiredly rub at your eyes, the lack of natural lighting finally taking a toll on your vision. A few burning candles and one oil lamp radiate a warm glow around you, kissing the empty skin of your arms, while dark shadows dance on the walls to the rhythm of the flickering flames.

You swapped the long-sleeved uniform shirt, for a short sleeve linen top, letting the bee injuries on your forearms breathe, but now you regret it since the chilly cold of the night has finally made its appearance. As if those bites weren't enough, you now had a beautiful red first-degree burn on one of your palms too, carefully wrapped in clean bandages.

Seems that all you do since the titan breach is injure yourself and waste precious medical supplies. These bandages are for the soldiers, not for clumsy medics. And since when exactly have you become clumsy?

You returned from the first experiment for some time now, and all you've been doing since then is analyze samples at the microscope. Running a hand through your hair, you finally decide to take a break, your eyes now exhausted of inspecting normal blood cells and urine.

You make your way towards the kitchen, surrounded by the silence of the sleeping castle, with the intent of brewing some lavender tea. You kept some of the flowers for yourself, knowing damn well you will most certainly need its soothing effect soon. If you had any running water, you would've used the small purple plant for your bathing too, God knows you need a long and relaxing bath. But you don't get to have such luxuries, as a proper bath, when you're part of the Survey Corps apparently.

As you wait for the water to come to a boil, you can't even begin to sort through your thoughts. So many things have happened in just the span of 12 hours, and the weight of these events finally crashes on you, causing you to painfully peel the skin around your digits in anxiety. You're so tired, but you know you won't be able to sleep tonight, not even if you tried to. There are too many things to think about, and you don't even know where to start.

Let's take them one by one.

First and foremost, Eren's powers.

In those hours you examined the saliva and urine samples you received from him, you've found nothing out of the ordinary. No strange cells, no micro-organisms, no modified structure. Absolutely nothing. Everything looks normal.

And then there's the blood Hange managed to sample too.

One thing that surprised you, was the fact that it didn't evaporate after Eren's transformation, and so you were able to take a proper look at it. Before analyzing it, you had hoped that maybe the blood would be the answer to all of your questions, and since it hadn't disappeared, you couldn't believe your luck.

But you spoke too soon.

The blood was absolutely normal. It didn't evaporate when touching the air, but it didn't present anything out of the ordinary either.

Which means you're out of options now.

But you can't believe you've found absolutely nothing. How can that be possible?

You clearly saw the body Eren managed to produce out of nowhere. There is no way in hell there isn't anything you can find on, or inside, his human body. There must be something. Something that causes his transformation. Something that gave him this ability. There must be.

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