Chapter 21: Fools.

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A/N: If you like listening to music when reading, I would suggest this soundtrack:
If the link doesn't work, the soundtrack is Inuyasha The Final Act OST ~ Dearest (string ver.) ~ 30 min. {Extended}
I feel that it fits their relationship and the situation perfectly, but as always, you do you <3

"We told you to be careful about Hughes squad and you played right into their hands. Are you an idiot or what?" Crossed feet placed on your desk and leaning back in his chair, Oluo's been vociferously scolding you for the best couple of hours, running your patience thin. "Now I'm stuck babysitting you. You think I have nothing better to do?"

Rolling your eyes skywards, back turned to him, you try to focus on your consult, fingers carefully palpating your current patient's ribcage.

"I'm not in the mood, Oluo. I'm working. If you want to stay here, you shut up. If not, you can run your mouth and guard the door from the outside." Shooting a glance over your shoulder, your eyebrows pinch together in a frown when you see his posture. "And take your dirty boots off my clean desk."

Showing no sign of moving away, he opts instead to cross his arms against his chest in a defying demeanor. "Tch. I don't understand what Petra sees in you."

You scoff at his reply, the male in front of you nervously glancing between you and Levi's subordinate, having no other option but to witness your exchange.

"I know you're jealous I'm spending more time with her than you, but at least try to hide it, you're being very obvious."

Slightly jerking away the moment your cold stethoscope makes contact with his bare skin, he eventually relaxes against your touch. "I'm sorry, I should've warmed it up a little first."

"It's no problem," deep productive cough making its way out of his chest, your forehead creases even more as you try to focus on the sounds of his lungs.

"You've got a lot of nerve, don't you think? I knew you were trouble from the first day I met you. Now you give us extra work by having to train and protect you, as if we're not busy enough already." Oluo snarls, concentration abruptly broken by his persistence, and self-control finally snapping.

Throwing your arms in the air in exasperation, you angrily place your stethoscope around your neck, heavy footsteps carrying you in the annoying man's direction. He's been doing nothing by blathering since the moment Levi sent him to watch over you until your schedule was done, and you've had enough.

Pushing his legs off your desk with enough force to destabilize him, he loses his balance for a second, chair almost toppling over. Straightening himself at the last moment, his glare hurls you daggers. If looks could kill, you'd drop dead in this very second.

A large piece of linen and scissors placed under his nose with a thump against the old wood, your scowl meets his with the same intensity.

"If you have time to blabber, you have time to work. Take this linen and cut it into ten centimeters wide and two meters long stripes for bandages, and then roll them. And stay quiet, I can't hear anything thanks to your complaints. Have some respect for a sick man. Thank you."

"You little-" Swiftly turning around and resuming work, you utterly ignore his protests and curses.

"I'm sorry for this." Your patient only offers you a hesitant nod in response.

Still grumbling and fussing under his breath, irritation is far from leaving you, but at least the Special Operations Squad member is not as distracting anymore. Surprisingly, he decides to actually listen to you and start working, pile of rolls of bandages growing bigger with each passing minute.

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