Chapter 6: Choices.

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The silence is deafening. If you didn't hear the sound of the horses trotting, you would've thought you had lost your hearing somewhere along the way. The heavy tension that fills the air, sure doesn't help with this bleak atmosphere either. You wonder if this is all because you're an intruder to the Levi Squad, or if this is how they usually act. Judging by who their squad leader is, you wouldn't be surprised. You don't know him for long, but you doubt Levi is the type of person to talk about the weather. More like the 'don't speak unless you have something useful to say' type of person. Still, that doesn't make this situation any more comfortable.

You quietly sigh and tilt your head back, trying to reduce some of the stiffness you've been feeling in your neck. Sleeping on the floor an entire night sure takes its toll on you. Well, sleeping is an overstatement. You squint your eyes and try to shield them with your palm, in an attempt to focus your gaze on the vast blue sky above you. You left Trost a few hours ago, the blazing sun well up in the sky by now. The only thing obstructing your vision are the tree branches all around you. You entered the forest maybe an hour ago, and you still haven't reached the end. You wonder just where exactly is this new HQ of the Scouts. Did they decide to move in the middle of nowhere, all of sudden? But what would be the point of that?

"It's just a little bit further. We'll be there soon," you hear Petra's soft voice talking to you from your right.

You readjust your position, both hands on the reins and look towards her. "It's quite far, isn't it?"

"A little, yes. Does your neck hurt from riding for so long?"

Her genuine concern takes you by surprise. "Uh, not from riding. But yes, it is a little bit stiff," you reply, massaging your nape lightly. "But don't worry about it. Nothing a little bit of anti-inflammatory salve can't fix. I'll be as good as new once I apply it." You finish with a thankful smile.

"Is that so? Could it also help me with my back?" Eld's voice curiously cuts in.

You turn towards him and nod. Without realizing, you begin taking his history. Old habits die hard, after all. "Yes, of course. Where exactly does it hurt and how long has it been hurting? Does the pain extend to other areas besides your back? Does it ever stop or does it hurt constantly?"

He thinks it over for a moment. "Hm, I think it started around one month ago. It mostly hurts around my lower back, kind of like a dull ache. Sometimes it's so bad though, I can't move for a couple of minutes. But aside from that, it doesn't really hurt anywhere else. If I just take a break, it goes away on its own."

"I think you might need more than a salve for that. Maybe a deep tissue massage. But once we get settled, I can properly examine you, and decide the treatment." You cheekily smile towards him. "Lucky for you, I was the best in my kinetotherapy class, so you're on good hands. Pun intended."

He laughs wholeheartedly. "I don't doubt that. That would be great, doctor. Thanks!"

You excitedly nod towards him and Petra. "Of course! If you have any more health concerns, don't hesitate to tell me. I'm your comrade now too, that's what I'm here for, after all."

"Tch," the scoff coming from your left doesn't surprise you. You take in a short breath through your nose and slowly turn towards Oluo, your mouth settled into a thin line.

"Is there a problem, Mr. Bazado?" you ask, carefully eyeing him. This man does not seem to like you one bit. Not that you can blame him, but at least he could be a little bit less rude about it.

"No problem, whatsoever. You just came in, strutting in our squad, and now you act like we're the best of friends," he replies, his voice seemingly dull but you can't possibly miss the jab meant at you. Then, his narrowed eyes turn towards you. "This is no game. We're risking our lives every day for the sake of humanity. We don't play 'soldier' here, and neither should you."

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