Chapter 9: First experiment - Part 1.

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I'm also sorry for any medical inaccuracies. Translating the medical terms from my language to English proved to be a lot harder than I thought.
I still hope you enjoy ^^

Chapter Text

"Y-you want me to do what?"

Despite the warm coat hugging your upper body, the cold breeze of the early morning makes a shiver run down your spine. You gently pull the jacket tighter around you.

"Like I said, we will experiment with Eren today. We'll have him turn into a titan and note down everything about his transformation. From the way he does it, all the way to the size of his teeth. We need to discover what is different about him from the other mindless titans. And why is he the only human who can do that? That's where you come in, doctor," Hange winks in your direction, then continues her explanation. "We'll start with Eren's physical exam. He hasn't had one in a year, and in that time, he somehow managed to become a titan. We need to discover what changed about him this time around, or what triggered his condition, if it's something that's always been hidden inside him. You need to examine him from head to toe, and let us know if you notice anything out of the ordinary."

A troubled expression is etched onto your face. "I heard you the first time you explained everything, Squad Leader. But this is a bit..." you trail off, not sure how to go on.

"Don't tell me you're getting cold feet now, physician. You didn't seem to waver when we told you you'll also act as a field medic on the frontlines during expeditions. If I remember right, you almost acted as if you were on the same standing as a trained soldier." Levi's blunt tone catches your attention, and you move your eyes over his form, nonchalantly leaning against the stone wall.

You could've sworn you caught him staring at you earlier, when Hange dragged you out of the castle to let you know about her plan. Everyone from Levi squad and Hange squad was already gathered outside, and when you finally reached the group and made eye contact with the infamous Captain, you noticed something peculiar in his gaze. His eyes dragged over your body, stopping for a second too long on Oluo's black coat hanging from your shoulders, and you frowned puzzled, not able to decipher the hidden emotion behind his intense glance. His eyes snapped back to yours, and before you knew it, you looked away flustered, yesterday's events still very fresh inside your mind.

Plus, you didn't want him to think you were admiring his beautiful long lashes casting delicate shadows on the smooth skin of his face. Or the way his raven hair was somehow perfectly falling on his forehead and around his face, emphasizing his strong jawline. You wondered if he styled it like that on purpose. Then, of course, your eyes fell on his lips, and you couldn't help but remember Daria's words when she first described Levi to you. Perfectly kissable, huh. Guess that's about right. How is it fair that such an unpleasant man can have such beautiful features?

No, you didn't want him to think you noticed all of that.

But when you look at him now, there is no buried feeling inside his disinterested expression. Steely gray eyes now carefully watching you, his demeanor is just as calm and deadpan as always, despite the stiffness of his body, as if he could jump at you any second.

You really don't understand this man.

You don't even need to.

What you need to do is focus.

"If you're afraid of Eren's titan form, don't be. This is what we're here for. You won't get too close to him, unless we know for sure he can control his powers and is not a danger to anyone." Hange kindly reassures you.

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