Chapter 10 - First experiment - Part 2.

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The horse ride to the experiment site took longer than you would've thought, but considering the dangers Eren's transformation could pose, you aren't surprised the Survey Corps chose something so far out from any human settlement.

You are, however, flabbergasted to see the actual number of Scouts already gathered there, by the time you and Eren arrive. Now you understand why Levi ordered you to promptly get the infirmary ready. With these many people around, if Eren gets out of control and starts attacking people mindlessly, even with Humanity's Strongest around, there is no way to tell how many wounded would need medical attention. And you must be prepared.

Maybe you should give more credit to the insufferable captain. Despite his insolent manner, it's not the first time he surprises you with his ability to read the situation and foresee possible scenarios. Simmonds always told you that in medicine, prevention is the first, as well as the best treatment a doctor should know how to apply. Remembering that, you are suddenly embarrassed by your lack of precaution.

You need to do better than this. You know you can do better than this. You need to show them how capable you are, and that they have no reason to doubt your motives or your abilities. Now is your time to do all of that, and you need to grasp this opportunity. Clammy hands tugging the reins of your horse, you trot over to where you see Levi Squad stationed, determination surging through your veins.

However, against your will, uneasiness cripples its way inside your mind. You don't want to admit it, but taking the time today to remember about Daria, really managed to throw you off. You weren't even able to save your best friend, how can you have the audacity to think you can stand in front of a titan again and not lose your shit? Even if that titan is Eren. Can you really do this?

You don't realize your eyes are cast down, focusing on the ground, only when you lift them and make eye contact with Levi, you manage to chase away your self-consciousness. One look at the Captain's penetrating gaze and it's enough to light up the fire inside your heart again. You won't give him the opportunity to see your anxiety and fear of failure, and then tell you that your place is not among the Scouts, just because you are not a soldier. You will show him you can be of use too. You will show him you are just as capable as any other military trained doctor, even though you have no field experience yet. If there is one thing you are good at, that is doing things out of spite.

Hange greets you before any of you have the chance to say anything. "Eren! Doctor! You're just in time. Perfect! Now we can proceed with the experiment."

You take in your surroundings and observe the dried-up well the group is currently standing next to. You don't even need to examine it further; you can already tell it's deep enough to contain an out-of-control titan. You swallow hard at the thought of Eren thrown in there shortly, with no way out, and you carefully watch him from the corner of your eyes. His young face yells nervousness from a mile away, and you don't blame him. He doesn't want to disappoint, and he's probably not confident in his abilities either. Your situations may not be identical, but you can't say you don't understand him quite a bit.

Hange begins her explanation. "Right. Let me give you the details of the plan. Eren, we'll give you a ladder to get down there, and after that you will try to transform. It may not be the best conditions, but this dried-up well should be able to hold even an out-of-control titan. We will gain some distance from you, just in case, and I'll signal you with a flare when everything's ready. After that, it's up to you!"

"Roger." Eren's determined voice rings in your ears, all signs of his anxiety now entirely concealed. That's a Survey Corps soldier for you. If it needs to be done, it needs to be done. No questions asked, huh. Can't say you agree with that very much, but you know he has no choice, unless he wants to end up dissected in a lab inside Mitras.

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