Chapter 15 - Healer. Fighter.

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"What are you doing here?"

His question seems to echo through the darkness and silence of the halls, bouncing off the stone walls, all the way to your ears.

Breath caught in your throat, slack jaw yet to close itself, round eyes stare at the man in front of you in shock. Narrow gaze carefully studying his unexpected guest from the threshold, you don't know if you should start running away again or face this situation upfront.

Finally shutting your mouth, you swallow hard the moment his unrelenting stare meets your horrified one.

You wonder how you look in his eyes right now. Ragged breathing, cold sweat gathered at your temples and shaking body, still dressed in your uniform and white coat, Captain Levi probably thinks you must be a lunatic.

Who else would knock at random doors in the middle of the night?

But then you recall the events from no more than a few seconds ago.

Running for your life, somebody's footsteps were right on your tracks, and you can still feel that dangerous gaze lingering on your back, a cold shiver crawling its way up your spine. The possibility you could've been dead at the moment, or worse, if you lead whoever was chasing you to your sleeping chamber, makes you painfully tighten your fists and shove away your hesitation.

You decide you'd rather confront Levi, than whatever is out there for your neck.

"What did you come here for?" Face like stone, he asks once again in that cold manner of his you already got accustomed to.

Before answering, you dare shoot a nervous glance over your shoulder.

The darkness of the hall is as heavy as ever, the warm light erupting from Levi's room, unable to penetrate its thickness. You can't see further than a meter behind you, and yet, you are sure something is waiting for you, patiently hidden under the blanket of the night. Its intent unknown, curiosity has never been further away from you than in this moment.

You can feel your knees wobble at the thought, mouth going bone-dry. The yellow glow, escaping through the open door, flickers for a second, causing the shadows on the corridor to flutter in response, almost taking the form of a person approaching, and the marrow of your bones goes cold. A slight flinch escapes you. You fight the urge to hastily shove your way past Levi, inside the safety of his office.

Reminding yourself of the man currently waiting for your explanation, you take a short moment to try and halt the rapid movements of your chest. Inhaling through your nose, exhaling through your mouth, drowning your fear becomes easier when you realize again where your legs brought you.

This is Humanity's Strongest Soldier's room.

You figure this is as safe as it can get. Even if Captain Levi doesn't let you inside, even if he has no intention to protect or fight for you, whoever is out there will surely think twice before attacking you... right?

When your attempt at taking one deep calming breath fails, you resort to several steady gasps of air instead, and your eyes return in front of you again.

Levi's gaze has seemingly never left your form, and you can't fight the sense of safety washing over you. You don't even try, you relish in it for as long as you can, stabilizing your breathing and your raging pulse. The pain in your chest slowly subsides, as your airways seem to open under his scrutinizing look.

Quickly assessing the situation you're in, realization suddenly dawns upon you. He could've shut the door right in your nose after so many awkward seconds of silence. You're grateful for the man's patience.

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