Chapter 5: Forgiveness.

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Eld's POV

Everything is quiet inside Trost now, the only sound coming from the chirping of the earliest birds singing their morning song and searching for their breakfast. The first rays of sunshine are softly caressing the facade of the houses, and a cold gentle breeze is carrying the silence of the empty streets. No longer than four days ago, these streets were full of life and laughter. By this time in the morning, people were already huddling and bustling around, while the air was filled with the smell of freshly baked bread and cooked omelets.

A tiny gray mouse is softly munching on something in the middle of the road, ignorant of the sly ginger cat, hiding behind a barrel, ready to jump at it anytime now and feast on its succulent meat. However, the moment the cat jumps out of its spot, the mouse is faster and takes off on its little legs, leaving its food behind. Seems like today is not the best day for the feline predator.

Life sure has a weird talent. How can it change everything, in the snap of a finger, while still going on exactly the same for others? Nothing ever changes, and yet so much does.

And despite everything, it is a beautiful morning. Unfairly beautiful. That's what Eld is thinking as he makes his way towards your house.

His morning wasn't the best. Nightmares plagued his mind all night, preventing him from sleeping peacefully. When he woke up, Oluo's smelling feet were right in front of his face. Not the best odor, or sight, to wake up to. He thought that, after breakfast, he could take some time for himself and relax after a long night, before departing for the new HQ. But captain Levi ordered him to go and fetch the new doctor of the Scouting Regiment.

And that's where he's heading now. Towards your house. Why, on the Walls, would a civilian doctor volunteer to enlist, and why out of all the squads, Commander Erwin chose the Special Operations Squad to place you in, was beyond him. But it's not like he has any say in the matter. Every soldier knows that what Commander Erwin says, goes. If the man tells you to charge to your death, you do. And only after, you ask questions.

He is happy your practice is not far from the inner gate, and so he won't have to accompany you for long. The others are already setting up the horses to leave for the new location, together with the Titan kid. Let's not talk about how weird and unexpected that is. Forget about a civilian doctor in one of the most dangerous squads in the Survey Corps.

Five more large steps and he's already in front of your house. He can't help but stare at it. Eld doesn't know much about medicine, but he is certain that, for a medical office, your practice sure is small. Consisting only of the ground floor and one more level, painted in a faint shade of blue, it sure doesn't resemble the infirmaries Eld is, sadly, very well used to by now. Colorful flowers are hanging from the windows and the balcony, and you can tell they've been well taken care of. He can say your surgery almost looks like... home. Like a place where patients can go and know they will be safe from any danger. Unlike other surgeries, where you can almost feel the presence of death and illness as soon as you get in their vicinity.

Eld stops staring at the building and snaps out of it. Today isn't his day, that's for sure. He needs to focus, and he needs to hurry and get you to the inner gate. Adjusting the package under his left arm, he shuts his eyes and takes in a deep breath, then moves closer to the door.

He knocks once. Nobody answers.

He knocks a second time. Still nothing.

He tries again and again, but silence engulfs him once he stops knocking. He mentally checks the address again and looks over the sign on your door.

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