Part 18-Defeating Overhaul

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Chrono: *takes his shot at Mirio*
*A fire portal opens and out steps Tomura Shigaraki,hands and all*
Tomura: *catches the bullet with two fingers* You,I can't wait to tear you apart.
All Might: I AM HERE
Tomura: Think about this more carefully next time *takes out Mustard's gun that he's borrowing and puts the bullet in it*
All Might: *charges at Tomura,quicker than ever*
Tomura: *shoots where he expects All Might to appear*
All Might: *gets hit and turns to normal* wait,my quirk?!
Tomura: You should have let Endeavour keep that quirk of yours! NOW IT'S GONE FOREVER ALL M-
*He gets punched across the room by Mirio*
Tomura: Ugh,*itches neck* you're already annoying me.
Mirio: You think that just because All Might's quirk is gone that it's over? You're a fool to think that!
Tomura: *takes out the gun and puts the normal bullets in and points it at Eri* Go away or I kill this little girl
Mirio: NO! *goes into the ground and appears in front of Eri*
Tomura: *shoots him in the knees,elbows and head a few times* Foolish hero,I wouldn't shoot the main ingredient for these bullets.
Night Eye: *throws one of his support items*
Tomura: *grabs it in mid air and decays it* Izuku,now.
Izuku: *As Kamuii Woods,traps everyone but Overhaul and Tomura*
Tomura: Let's see who's actually the best,no helpers,only us two. The winner is the next leader.
Overhaul: Right.
Tomura: *Runs straight at Overhaul,hands ready*
Overhaul: *Uses his quirk to create walls*
Tomura: *Decays them easily and reaches out for him*
Overhaul: *Goes to take his arm off*
Tomura: *Suddenly takes a turn to the side and puts four fingers on his neck and five on his mask as he gets behind him*
Overhaul: *Now has his mask and gloves off (Gloves to use his quirk and the mask is decayed),breaks out in hives*
Tomura: *Puts four fingers on one wrist as well* If I see even a second of movement,you die. Now you're in a position where you could lose an arm or your life,just like Compress and Magne.
Overhaul: Ugh..
Tomura: I see you put your master in quite a state,would he actually want this,seeing you turn the Yakuza into villains....would he actually be proud of you? Or would he disown you like your parents did?
Overhaul: *Shaking*
Tomura: Shall we find out?!
Himiko: Hm?
Izuku: I see *touches an ear piece* Hikara,can you use your warp gates to get his master in front of him
Hikara: *Over intercom* Yes,I can.
*A fire warp opens a few seconds later and Overhaul's boss falls in front of him*
Tomura: Go on,wake him up or I take your arm.
Overhaul: *puts his boss back to normal*
Yakuza boss: Kai,what did you do?!
Tomura: He put you in critical condition,took control of the Yakuza,started selling drugs,took your granddaughter and abused her mentally,emotionally and physically to turn her into quirk erasing bullets to sell,brought thugs and criminals into your organisation to use them,threw away the idea of being loyal,rebranded everyone with masks and tried to get my villain organisation to join him purely for the fame.
Yakuza boss: KAI! *gets up* I told you we weren't going to be criminals,you sick fuck. You are no longer a member of the Yakuza,you destroyed the Shie Hassaiki. Poor Eri,you must've gone through so much..
Izuku: *traps the leader as well* That's enough.
Overhaul: *breathing heavily,shaking like hell*
Tomura: So..Kia Chisaki,will you join us?
Overhaul: I don't have anything else left..
Tomura: Is that a "yes"?
Overhaul: Yes.
Izuku: *Turns into Kurogiri and warps Hekiji,Toya,Yu,Shin and Chrono (caught by Takami/Suneater) to them* You've singled out you five as the elite,join us.
Toya: What about Soramitsu?
Izuku: His quirk is weak,even against a quirk he should have won against,we can't keep him. Moonfish was enough trouble.
Toya: Please,let us keep him,we work well together. I'm not to proud to beg
Yu: Yeah,we'd rather die.
Izuku: Well,he could be good leverage and he might get along with Moonfish if we get him back ever..Ok,you got it. *Warps Soramitsu over and opens a portal to the base* Go through and you've joined the league.
Toya,Soramitsu,Yu,Chrono (Hari Kurono) and Shin: *All go through the portal*
Himiko and Twice: *Hop through the portal*
Izuku: *goes through his own portal back*
Tomura: *touches intercom* Hikara,portal.
*A fire portal opens and Tomura,grabbing Eri,and Overhaul step through it as it closes*

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