Chapter 26

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Hermione had been insanely busy the month of January and she was getting increasingly worried that she was going to slip right back into her old habits. Her new job was rewarding and she knew that she was making a difference, but she missed Draco and her friends. She wanted to be a part of their lives, and she was feeling, as of late, that she was missing out on everything again. 

"Margret I don't know what to do. She looks worried all the time, she is up all hours of the night freaking out that she is letting people down, and all she does is work."

"Draco, you need to have an honest conversation with her. She is probably nervous that she is going to drive you out of her life, but she probably doesn't know how to manage that. What was she like at school?"


"What was she like at school. The two of you went to school together correct?"

"We did, but we were hardly friends. I was terrible to her actually. I cannot believe that she ever forgave me."

"Draco how long were you in school together?"

"8 years."

"Then answer my questions, what was she like at school?"

"Motivated to be the best at everything. Studied every night I feel like. Had an insane class load, and was good at everything."

"Well, she never turned that off I am sure. You told me once you went to a private school. You didn't come home at night that you stayed there through the term. She had every waking moment to think about school and what she could do to be better at something. She could go for hours I am sure studying and doing her work. She never learned to stop at night. To put that aside and just live."

Draco thought about what Margret said for a while and nodded. That made a lot of sense. "What do I say?"

"You talk to her, express your concerns. Let her know that you are there for her, to help her manage the stress that I am sure she feels. She is a nice girl Draco, let's keep her around."

"I wouldn't want anything other than that Margret."

"Does she know that?"

"I hope so." Draco thought about the last time he had told her and he realized it was probably Christmas. He hoped Hermione knew he wasn't going anywhere, but now he wasn't so sure. 

He thanked Margret again for everything and apparated back to Hermione's flat. It was 5:50 and they had reservations for dinner at 7.

He looked at his watch and sighed. She was supposed to be here 20 minutes ago, so they could go to dinner. 

"Draco I am so sorry, the Minister came in right as I was leaving and I couldn't just walk out."

Draco pulled her into a hug and just held her. Hermione got nervous right away and wondered why he was acting like this. 

"Hermione I love you." 

"Why do I sense a but coming?" She looked at him with glossy eyes. 

"I am not going anywhere."

"Draco, I don't understand what is happening."

"I...I talked to Margret about everything that has been going on since you switched positions, and I think I might know why you always work so late or work when you come home and are constantly worried about your job."

"Why's that?"

"At Hogwarts, all you had to do was think about school 24 hours a day. It didn't have to be turned off for anything or anyone. And you just never learned to stop something for the night or the weekend. Which is fine because I know you are just trying to succeed and make our world a better place, but I miss you."

"I am sorry Draco. I know I have been absent this month. I think your right. I have no idea how to turn off my brain."

"Would you hate it if I helped you figure it out?"

"Why would I hate that? I have been worried sick the last couple of days that I haven't seen anyone, and I was just slipping back into my old habits. I really don't want that. I want to be present."

Draco pulled Hermione into a hug and just held her there. He was happy that he had taken Margret's advice and talked with her. He wasn't sure why he thought it was going to go so poorly. They hardly ever fought, he was just used to most conversations ending in a screaming match between his parents and he was afraid, really really afraid that he would never learn to communicate in any other way. 

"We are going to miss dinner aren't we?" Draco looked at his watch and frowned. 6:45.

"I'll call and see if we can push it back to 8. Go change and if they say no we can just walk until we find somewhere."

Hermione came back into the living room around 20 minutes later and Draco smiled at her. She figured that was a good sign and she was happy when he said that the reservation had been moved back. They left the flat and apparated to where the restaurant was and walked around for a little while before heading toward the restaurant. 

"I am sorry about being late Draco. I was walking out the door."

"What did the Minister want?"

"Something happened to Ron." She looked at him concerned about what his reaction would be and he just nodded for her to go. "He got hurt out in the field and he wants to quit. He was asking me if I thought he would be okay. He isn't sure what he is going to do and he knows that he is still struggling since we broke up. I am honestly not sure he was trying to find out if he should let him quit or just give him some time off. I couldn't tell if it was in a professional manner or not."

"Well is he alright?" Draco didn't necessarily get along with Ron. He was doing better with Harry, but after Ron failed to show up to Hermione's New Year party he really didn't respect Ron. He figured he didn't have to though. He was Hermione's friend and not his. 

"He is fine. I think he was distracted if I had to make a guess. He is normally the most careful one in the field. Always says he doesn't want to let his mom down. 

"Well as long as he is alright. What did you tell the Minister about his job?"

"Well, I basically said I knew Ron didn't want to be an Auror anyway and I thought he would have retired from that job ages ago. I know he has talked to George about helping him out, and I think that would be good for him."

"Well, I think it is nice that you have his best interests at heart still."

Hermione nodded and thought about it more. She wondered if she should call Harry and make sure that he is alright with everything that was happening with Ron, but then she figured that Kingsley most likely already spoke to Harry before her. Harry was Ron's boss after all. 

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