Chapter 12

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After the awkward ending to Draco and Hermione's dancing, she left shortly after. She went to her flat and when she arrived, she sunk into the couch. She wasn't sure why she felt so defeated. She was on top of the world a few hours ago, and now she was just confused and sad. She picked up the phone and dialed Ginny. She needed to talk to her friend badly. 

"Hermione, you got home alright then?" Ginny didn't bother to say hello.

"Yes, Ginny, I am home. I was hoping you could come over. I need to talk to you in private."

"I'll be right there, Hermione." Hermione heard Harry's voice on the other side of the line, and she smiled when he inquired about her wellbeing, and Ginny told him that she was fine. Probably just stuck in her dress is what Ginny had said before the line shut off and soon after Ginny was in the room with Hermione. 

"Hermione, you look incredible." Ginny smiled at her friend as she took the seat across from where Hermione was. 

"Thank you, Gin," Hermione wasn't sure where to start. 

"You know. Maybe you should get into something more comfortable. I'll put on the kettle. I can tell this is going to be a long story." Ginny was right, Hermione thought. She nodded, went into her room, took off her dress, wiped her face, and let her hair down. She slipped on her favorite pajamas and went back onto the couch. Just in time too, Ginny had just too two cups with piping hot tea on the table. 

"So, did you have fun at least?"

"Yes. It was a nice time. We had supper and then danced some. That is the problem, though. It..."

"You liked it, didn't you?" Ginny interrupted her, hoping that it would help Hermione know that she was alright with whatever was going on. 

"Yes, and I feel terrible about it and happy about it all at the same time. He made me feel so special and important. He structured the menu with my favorite dish. The first thing he said to me was that I looked amazing. He kept telling me that I was amazing and all of this other stuff. When he looked at me while we were dancing, I got butterflies. I hate myself for it."

"Hermione, why would you hate yourself?"

"I love Ron. With every fiber of my being. I hate being here alone. I want him to come back. I want him with me."

Ginny sat quietly for a few minutes, trying to figure out what was going through her friend's head. "Are you sure that is what you want?"

"Of course, that is what I want." Hermione couldn't believe that Ginny would ask her that. 

"Well, I think you both should talk tomorrow then. If that is really what you want, then maybe you were feeling that way with Draco because he was noticing you and paying attention to you, and because Ron hasn't been here doing that for you, you noticed it more."

"Do you think so?"

"Hermione, you and Ron need to work this out. I think being apart was good for you for a couple of weeks, but you cannot possibly put this off until George's wedding. That is just not okay. You either need to start working on your relationship again or find some closure. Being in purgatory isn't good for either of you." 

Ginny grabbed Hermione's hand and squeezed it tight. She could tell Hermione was hurting, but more importantly, she didn't want to hurt her brother. 

"Thank you for coming over here, Ginny. Any time in particular that you want me over at the Burrow tomorrow?"

"Does your offer still stand to help set up? I am properly useless in the mornings." 

"Of course, Gin."

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