Ch 3: Isolde

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  I heard rustling and figured he had given pursuit to the rogue. I let out an overly loud sigh as pain racked my body; no healers here to fix this, but I’d still heal faster than a mere mortal. A shadow fell over my body as a man approached me. So the rustling I had heard was him shifting back into human form. His face loomed over mine, and I noticed his wavy black hair, blue eyes, and chiseled jaw. A flutter started in my stomach, but the pain quickly overrode it. The expression on his face was one of worry. “Are you ok?” his deep voice asked. I noticed a hint of a southern accent, and I recognized that voice as belonging to the detective I had seen earlier. I shot him a look and opened my mouth to answer, but a groan came out instead. He chuckled, “I know it was a stupid question.” I managed a small smile for him before saying, “I’ll be fine.” He looked at the claw marks on my chest, “You need to get those looked at.” “I can’t,” I whispered. “Why not?” “I’m an angel….” I began. He cut me off, “I’m sure you look like one when you’re not covered in bruises and blood, but you’re still injured.” I shot him another look with annoyance in my eyes, “I’m an angel…like Heaven’s guardian angels…I’m here on a mission.” “So are you a peace maker or a dream weaver?” he asked. I was shocked that a werewolf took the time to study my people. “I’m part of the Guardian Sentinel,” I said. “You’re a warrior?” he asked in disbelief. “Yeah,” I replied. “And you got beat this bad?” I sighed, “I’m a newbie. I just graduated from training and was thrown into my first mission by myself. I’m thinking the reason I got this one is because I fit the vic profile.” He gasped, “They sent a newbie to take down Daniel?” I managed a small frown, “I did graduate top of my class.”

            He frowned and helped me sit up, his hand on my back keeping me steady. His midnight blue eyes stared into my sky blue ones, “I’m Logan.” “Isolde,” I said. “Do you have a place to stay?” “No. I descended directly here and was attacked before I could leave to find a place. I didn’t expect to encounter the rogue so soon,” I answered truthfully. “You can stay with me for now. We really need to tend your wounds, and I need to fill you in on who it is you hunt since your high council failed to do so.” I nodded my agreement, and he helped me stand up. “Can you walk?” he asked. Afraid of what would escape my mouth if I opened it, I nodded. I took a couple steps and pain shot through my body, but I bit my lip. Ten minutes into the walk back to his car, I was covered in a sheen of sweat and trembling, but I refused to admit that I needed help. I thought to myself, “When I make it back to Heaven, I’m going to have a talk with the high council and the trainers.” It was apparent that they hadn’t told me everything, and this rogue werewolf was making their toughest warriors look like wimps. The “let’s make your body more fragile like a human’s body” thing was beginning to backfire, and I was beginning to wonder why they’d opted for this plan. I can understand getting rid of the wings, but the fragility of my body, not quite as frail as a human but less durable than I was normally used to, I didn’t get. So preoccupied with my thoughts, I didn’t notice that I was lagging behind Logan until his voice broke through, “Isolde!” I looked up at him and almost ran into a tree. He let out a sigh and picked me up, “It’ll be faster if I carry you.”

            I tried to block everything out, but the feel of him permeated my senses. He had one arm under my knees and the other supporting my back, and I couldn’t help but notice his strength as he carried me with ease. His arms were well-defined and sleek, his chest firm, but he was gentle. I melted into the warmth of him and buried my face against him while my arms circled his neck. The strangest feeling overcame me, and my heart started pounding in my chest as a warm, fuzzy feeling erupted in my stomach. I could hear the blood strumming through my veins, and I felt my cheeks flush.  I could feel myself softening towards Logan, and I panicked; this isn’t supposed to happen with a werewolf. As I waged battles within my mind, Logan soon reached the car and settled me in. His radio was turned down low as he drove us back to his house. I wasn’t sure this was the smartest idea with these newfound feelings flowing through me, but I didn’t have a better plan. We soon arrived at a two-story house with bay windows and a large yard, and as he parked the car and came around to open my door, I sent up a quick prayer that I would be able to deal with Logan without letting my emotions rule me. I couldn’t afford to fall in love with him. 

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