Ch 19: Logan

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It took the combined efforts of Zoey and the other angel almost two hours to heal the wounds and remove the poison running through her veins. The roles reversed, Logan sat on the edge of the bed, holding her hand and talking quietly before falling silent. As day broke on the horizon, a brilliant portrait of oranges and reds, he broke. Tears fell down his face, and with a cracked voice, he whispered against her hair, “Why Isolde?” The tears hit her forehead, and a faint voice broke through his haze in his mind, “I love you, you stupid furball, that’s why. Now quit crying and shut up, I’m trying to sleep.” He stood up and made his way to the door as her voice filled the air, “Where are you going?’ “I’m going to let know Zoey that you’re awake,” he replied. “I’m not awake. I’m sleeping. Didn’t you hear me?” she retorted. “You need to be examined again, Isolde. He poisoned you,” he snapped. “Fine,” she yelled. Zoey looked up as Logan entered the room and stated, “You need sleep, Logan. She’ll be fine.” He sighed, “I know. She’s awake now, and she’s grumpy.” Zoey smiled, and when Logan looked at her in annoyance, she stated, “She’s always grumpy after she’s been healed. It’s a pride thing, I think. I’m guessing you probably woke her up and said something she considered stupid, too.” “I hate you angels,” he growled as he stormed into the kitchen. Zoey laughed as she walked into the bedroom to examine Isolde. “Where the hell did he go?” she growled. “You’re starting to sound like him,” Zoey replied with a smirk. “I don’t care. I’m going to kill him,” she said as she started to get out of bed. Her feet barely on the floor, she was pushed back against the bed as Logan ran into the room. “No, you get to stay in bed and not scare the crap out of me for at least a week,” he said as he folded his arms across his chest. “I have to pee, you moron,” she yelled. Sighing in frustration, he carried her to the bathroom and left. Upon hearing her wash her hands, he opened the door and carried her back to the bed. “I can walk,” she said in annoyance. “I don’t care,” he shot back. Zoey stood there in silence, trying to not laugh, and she quickly looked Isolde over as they bickered back and forth. “She needs a couple days to regain her strength and for some of the wounds to completely heal, but she’s fine,” she stated. “I told you so, furball,” she flung at him. He opened his mouth to reply when Alex strolled in the room. His features etched in a look of pain, he yelled at them, “Shut up! I’m trying to sleep, and all I can hear is you two yelling at each other. Just kiss and make up, so I can have my wife and my sleep back.” Isolde and Logan opened their mouths, but Alex shot them a look before grabbing Zoey and slamming their door shut. “Wow, um, he’s definitely not a morning person,” Isolde stated.  “You’re one to talk, calling me names and being rude when I was just worried about you,” he replied. She looked up at him, noting the look of hurt and guilt in his eyes. Sighing, she spoke quietly, “I’m sorry. Would you cuddle with me?’ He nodded and crawled underneath the covers next to her, pulling her up against his chest. Silence filled the room and just as he was about to fall asleep, she spoke again, “Logan, I’m sorry for sneaking out and taking him on my own, and you need to stop blaming yourself for what happened. It was my job to take him down, and I couldn’t let you get hurt again. I flung myself between you two, and it’s not your fault." 

I kissed him. “You pulled back before you did any real damage. They were just small puncture wounds, and we both know I’ve gotten worse from being clumsy. They’re healed. I love you, Logan,” she whispered before she gave up the battle and fell back asleep. He tightened his grip on her and fell asleep with her words resounding in his head.

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