Ch 17: Logan

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It felt like I was floating, and then pain wracked my body. I could hear voices, and one of them was laced with sorrow. I recognized her voice. I tried to move my hand to comfort her, to let her know I was alright, but my body wouldn’t obey. Time passed by, and then I felt something soft underneath me, and I heard a voice commanding someone to get supplies. More pain wracked through my body, and I succumbed to the inevitable. It felt like just moments had passed when I became aware of the heat, but this time I felt something cool touch my skin. I kept remembering Isolde’s face in the woods, and I muttered, “I love you, Isolde,” and “they can’t have you.” Daniel’s face came into view, and he held Isolde by the throat, I shouted at him, “Let her go, take me instead” before going back into complete darkness again. A light was streaming in, and I groaned. My eyes opened ever so slightly, and Isolde’s face appeared above mine. “Isolde,” I whispered before she disappeared. I heard her shout for someone, and then I heard a door slam. Zoey came in the room before yelling for Alex to help her. “Where’s Isolde?” I asked. “She left,” she stated quietly, Fear and rage filled my mind, and I tried to get up. “What do you think you’re doing?” she asked. “I’m going after her,” I growled. “No, you’re not. You just woke up, and you’re still healing,” she commanded. I growled at her again, and this time Alex stepped in. “Back down, Logan,” he stated. “Why isn’t anyone going after her? Daniel’s still loose, and hiss next target is her in case anyone’s forgotten,” I yelled. Alex rolled his eyes, “I was going to go after her, but since you’re being stubborn, I’m having to deal with you instead.” I launched myself off the bed and at him, but I was still weak. He slammed me up against the wall, and each time I moved forward, he pushed me back harder. “Stop it, Logan!” he commanded. “I need to go after her,” I yelled back. “If you would calm down, I’ll go after her, but I can’t have you here with Zoey until you’re under control, furball,” he yelled back. My muscles tense, I forced myself to relax. “Fine, but help me into the living room before you leave,” I stated with a calm I didn’t feel. After I was placed on the couch, he left. The hours passed and I was getting worried. “Do you think he found her?” I asked Zoey. About the time she nodded, they walked through the door. The only thing I could think to say was “You shouldn’t be out on your own.” I was expecting an argument, but she kept her eyes down and just shrugged before walking off. I worried, but I let it go since she was home. The next few days were a routine; she was gone when I woke up and back around the time the sun was setting. As she sat her room while the rest of us were in the kitchen, I asked them, “Does anyone know what the hell is going on with her?” Alex and Zoey exchanged a glance before Zoey stated, “We have an idea.” “Would you care to explain then?” Alex started, “When Zoey and I fell in love, it was a battle with the world to stay together. I was human, and she was an angel; two separate beings with different laws to follow…” and Zoey added, “The high council was adamant that I not be involved with him outside of my job, and when it happened, they threatened not only me but him. In the end, I had to fight them, but it wasn’t a hard battle because he was a human; our laws weren’t as strict.” I looked at her and asked, “What does that have to do with Isolde’s behavior?” She sighed, “She loves you, but it presents a problem. Our laws are against an angel being involved with a supernatural being. They gave her a warning, and she’s fighting a battle within herself…” Alex interjected, “Logan, she’s doing this because she doesn’t want the high council to come after you. It killed her to see you injured in your fight with Daniel, and she thinks that by distancing herself, she’ll be able to prevent that from happening.” I scoffed before standing up, “She can be so stupid sometimes.” I started towards her room only to be stopped by Zoey. “Let me, please,” she stated. I nodded and watched as she walked away. An hour later, she made her way back into the kitchen. “Well?” I asked. “Give her time. I said a few things she needs to think about, but I think I got through to her,” she answered.

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