Ch 21

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Two steps outside of the council room, she fell through the clouds and as she struggled to fly, her wings became tattoos again. She sighed as Logan’s house came into view. “This is going to hurt,” she whispered. Her eyes closing, she prepared for the impact only to feel arms wrap around her as they both tumbled to the ground. “Nice of you to drop in,” Logan’s voice greeted her ears, and she opened her eyes. She hugged him with tears in her eyes. “What? No smart remark?” he asked, trying to keep his own tears at bay. She shook her head, “I didn’t expect you to be outside.” He cleared his throat, “So…I was fixing to go see Alex and Zoey to come get you. I know you said two weeks, but it’s been hell without you. How’d you convince them to let you go?”  She looked at him, “I called them names and told them I’d use what skills they’d given me to bring them down.” His laughter rang out across the clearing, “That’s my girl.” “Am I truly yours?” she asked. “Always and forever, Isolde, always and forever,” he reassured her. He kissed her, and it was gentle and slow. She broke away breathless, “Can we go inside to finish what we started?’ she asked. He picked her up, and as they walked past the living room, she yelled, “Hey! I was talking about the movie I didn’t get to finish!” He laughed, “There will be time for movies later. I have other plans for you right now.” After celebrating her return, she laid her head on his chest. “I think your heartbeat has become my favorite lullaby,” she sighed, her breath caressing his skin. His only response was to wrap his arms around her and hold her tighter. “Go to sleep, angel,” he whispered. The sun sunk below the horizon, and the couple slept in peace. Across town, another angel and her love smiled.

The following week, Alex and Zoey visited them, and Zoey sat smiling in the corner for what she knew what to come. “Wanna make a bet, Alex?” Zoey asked. “About what?” he inquired. “Logan proposing to Isolde,” she responded. “No,” he said, “You know these things, and I have no doubt you’ll bet me something…girly.” She laughed at the look of horror of his face. Silence filled the room, and she looked up to find Logan down on one knee. The words flowing from his mouth made her tear up from suppressed laughter, and she wasn’t surprised to see Isolde standing there with a weird look on her face. “Isolde, from the day you came into my life to the day you fell out of the sky and into my arms, I’ve experienced more than one man should ever have to: pain, fear, heartbreak, and in the midst of it of all, love. Will you marry me?” he asked. Isolde laughed, “It seems words have failed you, furball, but yes, I will marry you.” He blushed, looking flustered, and slid the ring on her finger with a smile. She pulled him to his feet, and they shared a kiss as Alex looked at Zoey. “They were made for each other,” Zoey whispered. Alex laughed, “Yeah, they’re both weird.” The wedding came and went; a quiet little affair held out in his backyard with Zoey and Alex, the angel who had helped heal Isolde, and Logan’s parents and sister in attendance.

Two months later, Isolde and Logan sprawled out on their bed, laughing and making fun of each other. “I never did get to finish that movie?’ she said. “You want to know how it ends?” he asked. “I want to know if they got their happy ever after,” she replied. “They did, but it’s nowhere near as perfect as ours is,” he whispered. “Smooth,” she laughed. Her laugh caught in throat as he leaned forward and kissed her before whispering into her mouth, “Shut up.” Talking faded into the dusk as the only sound became the ones of an expressed love between an angel and her werewolf.

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