Ch 8: Isolde

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    As the question escaped his lips, I felt my heartbeat pick back up, and I fought not to struggle against him. I could feel the tension in him as he struggled with something I couldn’t see, and I knew I needed to end this. I placed a hand over his heart and looked at him. “Eric was the first and last guy I’ve ever loved. He taught me not to let my guard down or to fall in love because it can be used against you. He took a knife and plunged it into my back in an attempt to kill me because he and his friends were afraid that I would be a better warrior than them,” I stated softly. There was such pain in his face and his voice when he asked, “He stabbed you?” I nodded silently. His eyes returned to their normal blue, and he leaned down and kissed me. “You know, Isolde, I would never hurt you. I know that you can feel the chemistry between us, and I’m willing to wait until you’re ready,” he stated. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in his chest as his words sunk in. “Thank you, Logan,” I whispered.

 I don’t know how much time passed by, but eventually, Logan’s breathing settled into a slow and even rate. Knowing he was asleep, I eased back and sat up to look at him. I took my time as I studied him, and I loved how peaceful he looked. I sighed knowing I was making his life difficult by being here. I was putting this man at risk with my very presence, and I was falling in love with him. He was everything Eric wasn’t: gentle, honest, funny, and caring. Yeah, he had his tough side, but I was able to see into the heart of him. I scooted closer and cuddled up against him, enjoying his warmth, as I thought things over. I was scared. I knew that if I let myself love him that he could break me; he would have all of me, and he could rip me to shreds and I’d let him. I already couldn’t bear to see him hurting, but I knew that the high council would rain fire down upon us rather than see us together. A few silent tears escaped from the corner of my eyes, and as if by some unseen cue, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer, hugging me tight. “Things will work out, we’re destined to be happy,” he whispered against my hair.

This was going to be a battle I wasn’t going to win, and I decided it was time for me to face my fears; I was going to stop fighting and let myself fall for Logan. I deserved to be happy and feel loved while I was here on Earth. When my mission is through, I’d return to Heaven and cherish the memories. It’d hurt Logan if I left so easily, but at least, he’d still be alive and uninjured. As I continued to chase the thought of being with him, I found myself praying that there was a loophole in the laws; I wasn’t going to be able to leave him if I let myself go through with this plan. The last thought that crossed my mind before sleep sucked me under was that I was going to turn Heaven into Hell to stay with Logan, high council and fellow angels be damned. They trained me to fight, and I was going to utilize every ounce of skill and fire I had to accomplish my goal.

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