Ch 12: Isolde

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     The smell of sex hung in the air as his arms wrapped around me from behind. “Why didn’t you tell me?’ Logan asked. “I don’t know. It just didn’t seem important,” I replied. Silence filled the air and thoughts began to crowd my mind. For some reason, his silence on the matter bothered me. I turned to look at him. “You’re not mad at me are you?’ I asked. “Mmm, no. It just means you’re mine in all ways,” he said, the word “mine” coming out as a growl. It made me smile, and I curled closer into him. His breathing evened out, and when I looked up, he was asleep. I whispered against his chest, the words “I love you” escaping the restraints I’d kept on them. “I love you, too,” he whispered as he kissed my forehead.

                       I fell asleep curled up next to him, his body heat keeping me warm as the cool breeze swirled around the room. A dream started to form in the depths of my mind. I was being chased after, hunted by the rogue, when a howl filled the air followed by the sound of battle. I ran towards the noise, praying that I would make it there on time. The high council appeared before and blocked my path; I tried to talk to them, plead with them, and when that failed, I tried to break through them. Nothing worked, and the howls and snarls that once filled the air stopped. As the noise died down, the high council left with a dire warning upon their lips; I would have to choose a path. I ran as fast as I could, stumbling through the woods as tree branches hit my body. I finally stumbled into a clearing, the same clearing where Logan had rescued me when we first met, and the sight before me bought me to my knees. A keening cry escaped my lips as the blood coating the snow seemed to glow, a ruby red sacrifice to the gods of old. Logan’s body lay motionless, half submerged in the frigid water. I crawled over to him, laying my head on chest to hear the faint heartbeat as he struggled for life. The rogue’s lifeless body lay nearby, and tears clouded my vision in anger. Out of the darkness walked two figures clouded in darkness, but I knew I could trust them as they lifted Logan’s body and walked out the forest with him. A sense of peace overcame me, and I turned back with determination. I winced as my wings broke free of my body, and I was able to fly back to the Heavens. Halfway there, my wings began to turn to ash, and I was falling from the sky. I fought against the inevitable as my body neared the cold ground, and I closed my eyes in preparation for the crash. Before my body hit the ground, strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me upwards. I looked up to see Logan’s smiling face, and my heart stalled in my chest. Tears began to stream down my face, and I was jolted out of sleep.

                       Logan’s face was above mine, worry written all over his face. I flung myself against him, wrapping my arms around his broad chest and crying. “Isolde, what’s wrong?” he asked. “A nightmare,” I sobbed. “Do you wanna talk about it?” he asked. In a broken voice, I began to relive my nightmare in hopes of making sense of it all. He lay back down and pulled me up against him; his arms tightened around me as I progressed through the details of the nightmare. “Nothing’s going to happen to me, Isolde. I can defeat Daniel, and your high council is nothing compared to the strength of both of us. I refuse to lose you to something so trivial,” he stated with determination. Deep down, I knew that we were in for a fight, and the dream had shaken my faith in myself. “Do you understand me, Isolde?” he asked. I nodded. “Say it out loud,” he demanded. “I understand, Logan,” I whispered. He held me close as I sent a quick prayer up that it was just a dream and not a warning of what was to come. The feel of Logan’s arms around me and the warmth of his body heat slowly lulled me back to sleep.

A Forbidden LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora