Ch 16: Isolde

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The next week was spent in agony and fear as Logan’s wounds healed. The second day home, he had started running a fever, and in his fevered mumblings, I began to realize how much he truly loved me. The depth of devotion evident scared me, and I began to fear what would happen to Logan if the warning of the council were true and not just a scare tactic. As he began to wake, I ran from the room to get Zoey and Alex. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t allow the council to hurt Logan, and if it meant breaking my own heart, I’d do it in a heartbeat. As I opened the front door, a voice stopped me. “Where are you going Isolde?” Zoey asked. “Out,” I said as I closed the door behind me. I walked to a park that was a couple miles away and sat down on one of the swings; it was the closest I could get to flying while in human form and I needed what little freedom I could get. I closed my eyes and images of my wounded lover flashed through my mind, and I cried. The tears fell silently down my face and I wished that life was easier; I wished that I was truly human and not an angel. I sat there torturing myself with images of the future I could have with Logan. A couple hours had passed when I heard footsteps approaching me. Alex sat on the swing next to mine. “Logan was asking for you,” he said. I shrugged and turned away from his questioning eyes. “Zoey’s worried about you, too,” he added. I let out a sigh slowly coming to a stop. “What’s wrong, Isolde?” he asked. I walked a few steps before answering him, “I wish that things were different.” He caught up to me, and we walked back to Logan’s in silence. Zoey waited in the living room with Logan on the couch. “You shouldn’t be out on your own,” Logan muttered, pain lacing his voice. I shrugged before walking off and not once did a look back. I stayed in the shower long after the water turned cold, and once I was sure everyone was busy, I hurriedly got out, dried off, and got dressed before running into my room and locking the door behind me. The next three days were a repeat. I would leave the house as soon as I was up only to come back as the sun was setting, and when Logan talked to me, I would either give him terse, one word answers or ignore him. Currently, I was sitting in my room with music playing softly in the background. My mind was a hurricane of thoughts, and I was disgusted with how much of a coward I was even though I was trying to convince myself it was necessary. A knock on the door had me holding my breath, afraid that Logan was feeling well enough to confront me. Zoey’s soft voice came through the door, “Isolde, open up.” I opened the door long enough for her to come in before shutting and locking it. “What’s going on with you?” she asked. I keep silent and looked out the window. She let out a sigh before continuing, “I get it, but Isolde, these feelings you have for him aren’t going to go away, and even if they did for you, they won’t for him. He loves you. When he found out you had left after he woke up, he was furious. Alex had to physically restrain him to keep him from coming after you.” Still facing the window, I told her, “I know, but he doesn’t deserve to be hurt by the council just because I was stupid enough to get involved with him.” She walked up behind me and turned me to face her, “Do you love him?” Unable to answer, I nodded my head. “Then it will work out. You have to trust me on that.  Yes, the council is stubborn and hate-filled, but they’re afraid, Isolde. They tried to stop me from being with Alex, but we fought them, and if we can fight them, then you can; you are, after all, a warrior.” She walked to door, but stopped to look back at me before exiting, “Don’t let go of the best thing that’s ever happened to you without a fight. He’s worth it, Isolde, and he thinks you’re worth it.”

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