Ch 20: Isolde

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Three weeks passed after the battle with Daniel, and the police received a letter from a secret police agency stating the killer had been apprehended and dealt with, and while they questioned the validity of the agency, they couldn’t deny the killings had stopped. Those three weeks had found Logan using his vacation time as he took care of Isolde for a week, entertaining random visits from the High Council the second week as they showed up to give Isolde orders to return home, and working on a plan of action concerning the High Council the third week. “Maybe they’ll just let me quit. I’ve done nothing but cause them trouble these last few months,” Isolde stated. “I doubt that. You’re a warrior, and they can’t afford to lose you like they could Zoey. They can still direct her to do what they need, and she’s still helping Alex with his past,” Logan stated. “I hate it when you’re right,” she retorted. They never came up with a definite plan, and Isolde continued to ignore the summons of the High Council when Logan went back to work the following week. Eventually, the summons stopped and Isolde knew they were up to something. That something came on Friday night when they were cuddled up on the couch watching a movie. A member of the council and four elite warriors popped up in the living room. “You know I have a door with a working doorbell. It’s rude to just pop up out of nowhere,” Logan growled. “We’re here to bring you back, Isolde, and we’re prepared to do that by force if necessary,” the council member stated, ignoring Logan. Isolde stood up and looked at them, “Give me five minutes, and I’ll go with you.” “We’re leaving now,” he stated. She stood her ground, “You’ll give me five minutes, or I’ll put up a fight which I don’t think you want.” An angry glare was tossed her way as the angels made their way to stand outside to stand on the porch. “You don’t have to go with them. We can fight them off,” Logan stated as he pulled her close. She shook her head. “Give me two weeks, and if I’m not back by then, call Zoey and Alex; they’ll know what to do,” she whispered against his chest before angling her face towards his. “Now kiss me for good luck before I go, furball,” she ordered. He complied, and without wasting a second, crashed his lips on hers. The kiss was full of desperation and love; a fear of the unknown coating it like a sugar glaze. A cough from the doorway had them breaking apart with reluctance. “It’s time to go, ma’am,” one of the warriors said as he glanced away with unease. “Two weeks,” she whispered to Logan before turning around and walking out the door. He followed behind her, stopping on the porch, as they made their way to the yard. The warriors surrounded Isolde as the council member took point, and he watched in awe as their wings spread out. They were bigger than he thought, and he turned his eyes to Isolde, watching as she grimaced when the wings shot out of her back. They were smaller than the wings of the others, but they no less lovely; an ivory color tinted with silver. The simple shorts and t-shirt she had on melted away as her uniform began to form. She looked down and frowned as white leather with silver designs became evident. The designs etched through her uniform were slightly different than the ones on the uniforms of the other warriors. They started to rise in the air, and she lagged behind to spare him one last glance and mouth the words “I love you” before one of the warriors touched her arm, and with no further thought, they disappeared in a blinding flash of white. Logan sighed and walked back inside. The house was quiet without her, and instead of finishing the movie, he headed to bed. His days became a cycle; the same cycle he had perfected before she came into his life. He woke up, got ready, went to work, came home, ate dinner, worked out, and went to bed. Each day consisted of him looking out the window and missing her presence when he woke up and praying each night before he went to bed. He hoped she could hear his prayers; however, another angel across town heard them. She listened with a heavy heart and sad eyes, hope a small fire burning within her, as her loving cop held her close. “I can’t take this, Alex,” she told him one night. “We’re supposed to wait until he comes to us in two weeks, Zo,” he whispered back. “I know, but I don’t think any of us knew how much he had fallen for her,” she cried. “He’ll get her back,” he consoled.

Upon arriving back home, Isolde sighed and went straight to her cloud where her small home sat. The next week went by relatively fast, and each day she visited the council in hopes of changing their minds. Each day, a new council member heard her out, and she began to despair that none of her arguments were working, and she would fly around afterwards and the angels whispered to one another. She ignored most of the angels that flew by and whispered about how she had broken one of their most sacred rules: she fell in love with a werewolf. Some of them looked at her with sympathy, some with pity, and others with disgust. Of course, they would ignore the fact that she took down the rogue. Fed up, she sneered at them and entered her house, going straight to her bedroom and falling onto the bed. Her wings folded around her like a cocoon, and she pretended she was in Logan’s arms as tears fell down her face. She didn’t know how she was going to get the High Council to let her go home, and the tears fell faster when she realized that Logan was her home now, not this stupid house on a stupid cloud surrounded by her own kind. Nine days after she had returned to Heaven, she was called to meet with the entire council. Her head held high, she walked into the room and looked at each member; her face contorted in a look of sheer anger as she saw Eric sitting there. “Any last words you would like to say before we make a decision?” the head council member asked. “You owe me,” she began, “You owe me for everything you’ve put me through. You told me I was picked to be a warrior because I had fire and desire running through my veins, a desire for justice and peace. You lied to me. I was a tool to be used in a suicide mission; a mission in which I succeeded. For all you speak of justice and being above the mere mortal folk, you are just like them…letting petty jealousies rule your actions. You speak of the supernatural creatures on Earth as if they are animals to be corralled and squashed, yet you rely on them to keep tabs on each other and play games behind their backs. I’ve begged for you to send me back, and you know I would do more good on Earth than I would here. You ignored me. I told you that you can strip me of my status and class if you would send me back. Again, I’m ignored. Why? Is falling in love with a werewolf, one who upholds the ideals of justice and peace as much I did, such a bad thing? Is it so abhorrent that the universal love you preach doesn’t apply to it? If so, you’re ignoring the overall reason why we were placed here to begin with and it’s a shame how far we’ve fallen. I will tell you this, Oh High Council of the Angels, you keep me here, and I will no longer carry out my missions for you. I will take everything I’ve learned and use it to bring you down.” The other council members looked at the small angel in shock while one spoke up in anger. “You speak of treason, Isolde,” Eric yelled. “No, I speak in truth. They knew and watched on as you betrayed me, stabbing me in the back, and tried to destroy me, yet here you sit on the council instead of being punished as any other angel would for such acts. You want me gone bad enough to kill me, Eric. I’ve given you an out, a way to be rid of me and never have to see me here again. I’ve given you a way to strip me of all I’ve become in Heaven, and you won’t take it. Are you so afraid of me that you’re only option is to completely destroy me?” she questioned. “I…” Eric yelled as he began to walk towards her. “Enough!” the head council member yelled. Eric returned to his seat, and the council looked between the two. “We had already come to a decision concerning you, Isolde, we but waited to see what you would say when pushed into a corner. First things first though,” the head council member said and looked at Eric, “You will remain on the council, but you will be watched. You are not to leave Heaven, nor are you to go after Isolde after our decision had been made. If you break these restrictions we’ve placed on you, more of which will be discussed when we are finished here, you will be stripped on your status and sent to the dungeons.” Eric nodded a sullen look on his face. “As for you, Isolde, we won’t relinquish you as a warrior; however, as you pointed out, you will do us more good on Earth. Also, the bans that we’re placed on angels centuries ago will be removed,” he continued. “Does that mean….” Isolde started to ask. “Yes, you have our blessings to be with your werewolf, and we won’t be bothering you. All we ask is that you carry out missions on Earth for us, and if we have need of you to help other angels we send out, you will help them,” he stated. “Thank you, high council,” she said before turning to leave. “Oh, Isolde,” the head council member said and she turned to look at him, “You won’t need your wings anymore, so they’ll will permanently be etched into your back.” Nodding her head in understanding, she left the room.

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