Ch 9: Isolde

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          It was hot, and there was heavy weight on my chest. I slowly opened my eyes, and Logan was lying on top of me. As I looked down, I noticed my shirt was missing. A blush to started to work its way on to my face, and I pushed at Logan’s chest. “Logan,” I yelled. “What?” he mumbled as he began to stir. “Um, you’re lying on top of me, and you’re a little heavy,” I stated. His eyes shot open, and he looked at me. “Good morning,” he smirked. I looked at him with annoyance in my eyes. “You’re making me hot,” I began. He started to chuckle, and I realized how bad that sounded. I smacked his chest and muttered, “Not like that.” He slowly pushed up off of me and looked down to where my hand still rested against his chest, noticing that I was shirtless. “Um, what happened to your shirt?” he asked. The blush flared back to life, and I whispered, “I don’t know. I woke up like this.” “You know, you didn’t have to work so hard if you wanted to seduce me,” he winked.  As he said this, I noticed that he was extremely happy.

            A thousand thoughts rushed through my head, and I decided it was time to let things happen naturally and not overthink things. I wanted to kiss him, so I ran my fingers through his hair and pulled his face closer to mine. His eyes darkened as I connected my lips to his. It was the first time I’d taken the initiative, and it was a heady experience. During the kiss, his tongue ran along the seam of my lips as he hand moved to cup my breast. I gasped at the new sensation, and he took advantage of it to slip his tongue inside my mouth, exploring. I moved my hands to grip his shoulders, nails digging in, and he growled; the sound vibrating through me. Minutes pass by, and I’m slowly losing myself in his kiss and the feel of his hands on me. His hand slips lower, trailing down my stomach and to the band of the shorts, and my hesitance gets the better of me as I grab his hand to stop him from going any further. In one quick motion, he rolls us over so that I’m on top. His hands grip my waist as we continue to kiss, tongues battling for dominance. Soon, the only noise in the air is the sound of our breathing, and I can feel my heart pounding against my chest. We break apart, and Logan manages to pant out, “If we’re not going to do anything else, we need to stop before we both reach the point of no return.” Unable to speak, I nod and roll to the side.

            As our breathing returns to normal, he reminds that we need to go shopping. “We still need to go get you clothes,” he states. I look at him, and he says, “But first, I’m going to take a cold shower.” We make our way out of the bedroom; he goes to the master bathroom to shower as I step into the bathroom down the hall. As I’m wrapping a towel around me, I hear him knock on the door. I open the door and pop my head out as he hands me a shirt, “I don’t have any pants that will fit you, so you can wear the shorts out. I figured this shirt would fit you better though.” I shut the door on him and quickly pull on the clothes. Looking down, I sigh unable to believe that I’m going to actually go out in public with shorts that barely cover my butt. I walk out into the living room and find my shoes, putting them on and standing up to wait for Logan. He rounds the corner, takes one look at me, and goes back down the hall. I wait a few minutes, and he returns with a flannel shirt. “Put this on,” he growls. I pull it on and look down; it’s long enough to cover my backside. I look like I’m in a grunge phase though with my short shorts, combat boots, and flannel shirt. Logan gives me a weird look as I laugh and walk out to the car. “I look like a rebellious teenager in a grunge phase,” I tell him. He laughs and starts the car, “Yeah, but you still look good.” His comment made the little self-doubt I had disappear, but I was still ready to wear clothes of my own choosing. I gave him the name of a couple stores that were owned by angels living in the human realm, a place where I could pick out what I wanted, and they would take it out the funds allotted to me for my mission. I found myself hoping that they carried clothes that were girly and fun instead of ones just made for combat; I wanted to look nice for Logan.

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