Ch 10: Isolde

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 The drive to the shopping center was quiet, but it was comfortable. Halfway there, Logan reached over and took my hand in his. I turned my head to look out the window as I smiled. We pulled up in front of the store all too soon. Logan stopped me before I exited the car, and when I turned to look at him quizzically, he kissed me and got out before I could say anything. Silently, I followed him. It’s not that I didn’t want to talk to him, but I didn’t really know what to say as the morning’s event kept replaying themselves in my head. I entered the store, Angel’s Addiction, as Logan made his way into the Wal-Mart a few shops down.

            “Hello, Isolde,” the angel at the counter greeted me. I looked up and grinned, “Hey Zoey! How have you and Alex been?” “Great! I really love it down here, and Alex is wonderful,” she replied. Zoey was a bringer of peace, and she was great at her job. We lost her up in Heaven when she met Alex. Alex is a handsome young cop who was plagued by nightmares of his past; ones bad enough that our dream weavers had been unable to influence his dreams. The high council sent Zoey to Alex in attempts to help him come to terms with his past and bring him peace. They ended up falling in love, and she decided to stay on Earth with Alex instead of returning to Heaven. The high council didn’t like losing an angel, but since he was human, they allowed her to stay. They already had plans to make Alex a warrior when his human body fails him.

            My thoughts were interrupted when Zoey asked me, “I heard about your mission with the rogue werewolf. What can I do for you?” I replied quickly, “I need combat gear and clothing, and if you could help me, I need some girly clothing.” She looked at me knowingly, “So who’s the guy?” I shook my head, denial upon my lips, as I said, “No one really. I just thought about hitting up some of the areas where the girls were last seen.” She shook her head, “Uh huh, sure.” She took me around the store and helped me to gather up my combat gear: a couple daggers, boots, leather pants, and a few tank tops. She sat them on the counter, and then turned around with a smirk, “Time for the fun stuff.” I mentally groaned in my head. I hated shopping, but I really wanted to impress Logan. Again, she took me around the store. She helped me pick out some cute lingerie, a couple things to sleep in, a few dresses that showed off my curves, and some clothes to lounge around in which consisted of shorts that were shorter than I liked, some spaghetti strap tops, and makeup. She put those on the counter and left me standing there. A few minutes later, she came back with a couple pairs of stilettos and some hooker boots. “You’ll need these,” she said as she put the boots down. “Why?” I asked. “Clubbing or in the bedroom, they work wonders,” she winked. “There’s no one to impress,” I began as the bell above the door rang through the store.

                        I turned my head to see Logan walking in as I paid for my stuff. Zoey laughed as she said, “No one to impress? So this is the guy.” I looked at her, “He’s a werewolf, Zoey. There’s no way this could possibly work out.” She looked at me, “You’re an angel, Isolde. Miracles happen all the time, but know this; Alex and I will fight for you, for your happiness. It’s the least the council could give you after the Eric incident. They knew what he was doing, and they never tried to stop him.” That tidbit of information hit me hard; they knew before it happened. My faith in the high council was slowly disappearing. As Logan walked up beside me, I asked, “They knew?” She shook her head sadly. “But they did nothing to stop it?” Again, she shook her head. I wanted to cry, but I stayed strong. “They gave me this mission for a reason, didn’t they?” I asked. She whispered, “Yes. It’s a suicide mission; Eric’s become a part of the high council, and he’s trying to get rid of you.” The news made my knees buckle, but Logan’s arm around my waist kept me from falling. “Not happening. She’s not going to die, and I’ll be damned if Daniel or Eric win this battle. She’s mine,” he growled. I looked up at him in gratitude as he hugged me, and Zoey said, “I knew you wouldn’t.” She had this crazy gleam in her eyes like she knew something I didn’t, and when Logan picked up my bags and started walking towards the car, she winked at me. “Don’t let that one go,” she shouted as I exited the store. I had no intentions of letting him go, and with that in my mind, I turned my mind to setting up a way to make him lose control. I was going to seduce a werewolf, and I was going to enjoy every moment of it.

            The next few days were spent setting up a routine. Logan would go to work, and I spend that time researching the victims and Daniel. A few minutes after he left, I would throw on some clothes and walk to each location that one of the girls disappeared from: a park, a club, a movie theater, an alleyway, and a library. I visited the area where Daniel grew up, and I familiarized myself with the town I was now in. I would return back to Logan’s house and shower before he made it home. He’d walk in from a long day, and I’d be walking around the house in my short-shorts and a spaghetti strap top, or I’d have on one of the sleep sets Zoey picked out for me. The first few times I’d worn any of it, I’d blush whenever Logan looked at me. By now, I was used to it, and I made sure to sit close to him or brush up against him. I could feel his eyes burn me as I walked away from him. Some nights, I made sure dinner was cooked and the house was clean. Other nights, we ordered out and played games. Each night, I’d go to bed myself, and I’d toss and turn. I know he was doing the same because I could hear him, and most mornings, he’d wake up grumpy. This game of seduction was getting to point where I was about to lose control, and I knew I needed to make my next move.

            Before Logan left for work the next morning, I stopped him. “Hey Logan, do you think we could go to one of the local clubs tonight? It’s a Friday night, and I know you don’t have to work tomorrow,” I asked him. He looked at me, “Why do you want to go to a club?” “Well, I like to dance, and I’d like to explore more this town….” He cut in, “What else?” I couldn’t let him know seduction was my plan, so I said, “One of the victims disappeared from a club, and I wanted to check it. I know you wouldn’t want me going by myself, so I thought I’d see if you’d take me.” I shrugged as I walked away from him, “But I can go by myself if you don’t want to take me.” His eyes began to glow, and he growled, “You’re not going by yourself. Be ready by seven, and we’ll go eat somewhere before we hit the club.” The slamming of the door echoed through the house as he stalked away and left for walk. I smiled to myself, getting dressed, before leaving to explore the edges of the forest.

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