Ch 14: Logan

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The day had started off nice enough, and I couldn’t help but think of how cute Isolde looked when she blushed. I tried to hold onto thoughts of her as I drove to the murder site. I parked and looked around; noting with disgust that Daniel was becoming bolder or losing what little sanity he had left or maybe he was just taunting me. The girl was tied to a tree on the edge of the clearing, her body across the road from the shopping center where I had taken Isolde. Anger filled me, but I pushed it back down as I got out and made my way towards the body. I caught sight of fur caught in the bushes but continued forward. Her body was just like the rest, but for some reason, this one bought forth more emotion than the others. I knew the medical examiner would find the drugs in her system and the “stab” marks that would make her just another victim of a merciless killer. As she was loaded up to be taken to the morgue, I caught drift of a scent. I knew he was here watching us, and I was tired of his games. I couldn’t let him continue on with this sick game of hide and seek. After saying goodbye to the police left on the scene, I left and drove about ten miles down the road, parking in the same spot I always did. I quickly called Isolde, and I prayed that she would stay at home instead of getting involved with this hunt. I stripped down, put on a pair of old shorts, and started walking. As the woods started to get darker, I could hear the sounds of fighting and cursed. I should have known better than to think she’d stay out of this. The change came over me, and a few minutes later, Daniel was in front of me. The battle began, and I kept trying to move the fight further away from her. I could hear Isolde cursing in the distance as something snapped, and then I felt the presence of others. Daniel used it to his advantage as he lunged towards me. I managed to push his arms down, and instead of his claws digging into my chest, they hit my stomach. A howl escaped my mouth as I could feel him shredding my insides, and I looked over to see Isolde watching. I swiped my claws across his face, renting huge gashes that gushed blood, causing him enough pain to stumble back. He took off running, and I gave chase. I knew it would be awhile before Isolde could make her way through to find us, not with the people blocking her, and I sent up a silent prayer that Daniel would be dead before then. I followed him until he stopped in the same clearing that we had fought the last time. The battle drug on for a good fifteen minutes, each of us scoring blows. I managed to cut open his chest and abdomen before he took off running. I tried to give chase, but ended up collapsing in the stream, the cold water felt good. My eyelids fluttered; I tried to keep them open, but I knew it was a losing battle. The silence closed in on me, and my vision went black. The last thought on my mind was Isolde.

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