Ch 6: Isolde

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I was back in the forest being chased, but instead of my usual speed, I was slow. A sharp pain in my chest had me gasping, and I looked down; there was a hole where my heart should be. My lungs labored for air, chest burning, and blood ran in a steady stream down my chest. Unable to go on, I stopped and sank to the ground. A noise had me turning my head to look for its source, and a man walked out of the trees. It wasn’t the rogue werewolf. It was much worse; it was someone I knew. My mind started to shut itself off from the pain and the memories, but as he walked closer, they all came rushing back. The memories of heartache and betrayal that I thought I had gotten over; one of the reasons I couldn’t afford to fall in love with Logan.

            Eric walked towards me, the same beautiful warrior as the last time I had seen him. He was tall and slender with long blonde hair and emerald green eyes, and he was a good actor. The beauty and his charm had blinded me back when I first started training. He was a year ahead of me, and he had befriended me. He showed me tricks and gave me tips of how to improve myself, and he would practice with me. Outside of training, we would talk and watch the other angels. Before too long, I had fallen in love with him, and I thought he had fallen for me. A blissful six months passed, and I was happier than I had ever been; I let my guard down, and he took advantage of that slip. He stabbed me in the back, and by stabbed me in the back, he plunged a dagger through me. Unfortunately for him, he missed my heart. His reasoning for his betrayal was that he and some of the other angels were afraid that I would become a better warrior than them, and they weren’t going to let that happen. His betrayal shattered my heart and left me in a dark place, and I used that pain when it came to practicing. I made an oath to never let myself fall for someone again because I couldn’t even trust my own judgment.

            Eric reached me and caressed my cheek. He looked lovingly into my eyes, and he smiled that dazzling smile of his that never failed to melt my heart. I turned my head, but not once did I try to move away from him. His hand gripped my chin and turned my face back towards him as he knelt down in front of me, and he leaned in as if to kiss me. I closed my eyes, and once again, I felt the tearing of flesh as he plunged a dagger into me. I could feel air rush into my lungs, and I screamed as loud as I could with tears streaming down my face. I went years without having to deal with this, easily pushing it into the depths of my mind, but the human realm without its dream weavers was forcing me to confront my darkest secret. I struggled to pull the dagger out of my chest, to escape him, but he sat there laughing as the blood continued to course downwards. Death wasn’t an option in dreams, and I continued to scream as he enjoyed this macabre show of his own making.

            Hands grabbed my shoulder, and I lashed out. I fought without conscious thought, still screaming, knowing this dream was reality, and the hands pinned me down. I lashed out with my legs, and I heard a voice cursing before my legs were pinned down. “Isolde,” I heard the voice yell. “Wake up, honey. It’s just a bad dream.” I slowly stopped struggling as the voice penetrated the thick fog in my mind. I stopped screaming as my eyes blinked away the remnants of my nightmare. Logan’s worried face looked down at me, “Are you awake?” I opened my mouth to reply, but a sob escaped instead. Slowly, the tears coursed down my face as I began to cry and whimper. God, I hated letting this weakness out, but once I started, I couldn’t stop. He unpinned me and gathered me into his arms. “Shh,” he whispered against my forehead, but it only made me cry harder. Somewhere amidst all the tears and sobs, I managed to blubber out an apology. Thirty minutes passed as he held me, and when I had finished, he tightened his arms around me and asked, “Do you wanna talk about it?” I sighed, but I knew he wouldn’t let me go until I did. “I had a nightmare about Eric,” I stated. His blue eyes took on an eerie glow, and his voice came out as a rumbling growl when he asked, “Who’s Eric?”

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