The Boy in the Skirt (Phillip) [modern]

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Hiiii, sorry this is so late! I hope it's alright, as you know I'm pretty stressed at the moment.

"It's not that I don't trust you, Peggy! Just, maybe not with my car and kid on a highway...", my sister sighed. Her son, Phillip, was standing next to me with his bag, clearly annoyed that the heavily pregnant Eliza was worrying about instead of letting us leave.

I was supposed to take him to the mall to go buy school supplies, - it was the end of summer and he was in desperate need of some new clothes and pencils - but all of the sudden, the youngest Schuyler wasn't mature enough to take care of a teenager. I'm literally an adult, it's not like he was five! Plus, the rebellious phase hadn't set in yet, and he never made any trouble with adults, apart from annoying a couple of teachers with his short attention span in class. ADHD, you know.

"Mom, please, I won't make Aunt Peggy any problems", Phillip pleaded, kicking the dirt under his feet with his boots. "Oh, Pip, I'm not worried about that, I'm just not sure if I'll get you back in one piece if your aunt drives", my dear older sister said, and I let out a shocked gasp. "Lizzy, I'm a very skilled driver! You better be glad you can blame that comment on the hormones."

Without letting her say another word, I snatched the keys from her hand and ran towards the car. "C'mon Pippy, go go go, your mom can't run fast!"

Phillip laughed, and without thinking twice darted after me, practically flying into the passenger seat. I hopped in on the driver's side and turned the key, watching my sister pinch the bridge of her nose in disappointment. "Be back by ten!", she yelled, and I waved through the open window before driving off, Phillip still giggling when we were already out of the driveway.


When we arrived at the mall, Greenday was blasting from the radio, and I had re-secured my title as coolest aunt. It took a while to find a parking spot, and when we finally stepped through the large automated doors, it felt like we were suffocating, drowning in a sea of balding dads with their kids and shopping carts full of pencil cases, backpacks, paper and glue sticks.

"Do you have the list ma gave us?", Phillip asked, nearly screaming to be heard over all the noise. I waved him off. "Fuck the list, let's have some fun first, otherwise we'll just be carrying that shit around with us the entire day! You wanna go look at clothes?"

He looked down at his outfit, a T-Shirt and jeans with patches at the knees. Clearly, this kid had never seen a fashionable outfit in his life. I suspected his dad and his friends had something to do with it, army guys always had something so horribly functional about them. (Let's ignore that Laf and John were the fanciest bitches in all of America for a second)

"Yeah, let's go!", he yelled back, and I grabbed his hand, guiding him through the masses towards the next best store - Hot Topic. (I heard this was an alternative store? I don't know, I'm German *cries*)

"Are you sure this is the right one...?", he asked, eyeing the inside of the store cautiously, and I made a mental note to take him more often, you know, to disturb my sister's sheltered parenting.

"Yep, this is where I get most of my clothes. Let's go", I said, and pulled him inside before he could settle on something boring.

We walked through the isles, and I let him stare at all the clothing, trying hard not to burst out laughing at his expressions, varying from concerned to in awe. "And? Like what you see?", I asked, and he swayed his head, as if he was debating himself. "It's not bad, but I don't quite know yet."

"Aye, Peggy!"

I turned to see where the voice was coming from, and saw my best friend Maria, walking toward us. I completely forgot that she worked here. Before I could start introductions, she spotted the timid teenager next to me.

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