Domestic Life and Horror Movies (Lams) [Modern]

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Short and shitty, but I felt bad leaving you guys without an update for such a long time.

When I woke up, it was dark and cold, something that wasn't unusual for a November morning, yet it still left me feeling uncomfortable and moody each time. Even though I had lived in New York for a little over a year, I was accustomed to the South Carolina weather, and I felt that I'd never grow fond of the cold North.

Rolling over to look for warmth with my partner, I found that the bed was empty, just as empty and cold as the morning. It wasn't unusual for him to get up early, but I'd usually be dragged out of bed shortly after, because he knew that I felt guilty whenever I slept in.

I got up and went to turn on the light, blocking out the dread that was bubbling up in my stomach, and looked around the room. The window was cracked, god knows why, but atleast that explained the cold. I went to close it before glancing at the mirror. There were many good things about working from home, the cozy old brick house that we had bought was away from the city, and so nobody really bothered us but the deer.

For someone like me though, who was already struggling with depression, it was easy to let yourself go. This manifested in the mirror, as I ran my hand through my hair, biting my lip at how greasy it was. I hadn't showered in a couple of days, hadn't had the energy for it, I supposed. With a sigh, I pulled a set of clothes from the closet, knowing there was no use in lying back down to sleep some more.

I came out of the bathroom 15 minutes later, clothed and dried all but my hair, which I had only bothered to quickly shake out and which was now dripping water onto my shoulders. Though it only reached my shoulders, it was a pain to try and dry, so I usually just left it to do whatever it wanted.

When I walked into the kitchen, Alexander was sitting at the counter, his nose in a book, he only looked up to take a sip of his coffee. I walked up to him and sat down beside him, sighing. "What are you reading?"

He looked up surprised, then smiled softly. "You look great", he whispered, and I shrugged softly. I felt tired, grey, nothing great about it. But Alex had such a loving smile on his face, that I couldn't be bothered. "Thank you, dear... when did you wake up?"

Giving me an apologetic grin, he shrugged. "This morning. I would've woken you, but you really do need to sleep more." I bit my lip and nodded, while he stood up and walked over to the coffee machine. "Like always?", he asked, his hand hovering over the button (I have no idea how a coffee machine works).

I nodded and he started making the coffee. I gave in to the urge to sleep, and simply let my head down onto the tabletop. "This is hell...", I muttered, squeezing my eyes shut tightly. It all felt so distant, and I wanted to fall asleep right then and there, but the warm hand on my shoulder stopped me from doing so.

"Jacky, sit up", Alex told me, his voice quiet. I glanced up at him, shaking my head. He just smiled, understanding. "I know, sweetie. But try to sit up and drink your coffee for me, and that's it, okay? No more chores", he soothed, and I hesitantly sat up. Only this one thing...

I took a sip of the hot drink, feeling the burning in my mouth, I flinched. "Too hot?", he chuckled, and I shrugged.

"Do you have much to do today?", I asked him, uselessly so, as I already knew the answer. "Finished all of it yesterday, today is an all you day", he explained with a smile. It made me feel a little bit better, and I think he could tell, because he laughed and ruffled through my hair as if I was a child. I always pretended to find it annoying, but it was endearing.

"What do you suggest we do...?", I muttered, taking another sip of coffee. I was starting to feel a little less tired, a little less miserable with my existence, perhaps. It really were the little things that made you appreciate a day.

Alex thought for a moment, then his face lit up. "The new Conjuring just came out, we could watch that. Close the shutters, put on some candles..." I pouted, I couldn't stand horror movies, but we loved to watch them together. Not because it scared me, but because I had a good reason to spend my entire time cuddled up in his lap.

"Fine, but only because I love you so much."

"I love you too, Jacky."

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