Tomato Duel (Platonic Hamburr) [Highschool AU]

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2294 words, I'm proud of this one guys.

"Ooooh love, oooooh loverboyyyy", I sang along to the music coming from my headphones. It was 4 in the afternoon, and I was sitting in my bed writing on my laptop. For once, it wasn't an essay or extra credit I was going for, instead I was typing out a response to a stupid person online, fully aware that I was two pages in, way too long for a Youtube comment section. I didn't care though.

"You're getting a call, dipshit!", I heard my brother yell from the door at me. Startled, I threw my headphones onto the laptop keyboard, which resulted in a bunch of gibberish on the screen. My brother was holding out the phone, an annoyed look on his face. I took the ringing device and stuck my tongue out at him before answering.

"Kevin's pizzeria and crematorium, where your loss is our sauce, what can I do for you?", I answered the call. It was silent for quite a bit on the other side, before I heard the familiar voice of my boyfriend. "Lex, what the fuck was that?!" I laughed, and watched as my brother left, slamming the door shut. "Sorry Jacky, had to annoy my brother. Anyways, what's up?"

"We were gonna go to the mall later, wanna come?" I thought for a moment. "I still have work to do..." "No you don't, I watched you finish all of it yesterday evening instead of paying attention to me." I could clearly hear the judgement in his voice, and felt bad. Yesterday had been one of the few days he was allowed to sleep over, but I had wanted to finsih my assignments while talking.

"I'll be there. At 5 like usual?" "Yep!" Puh, that sounded happy to me. Thank god I hadn't made him sad. "That's amazing. Hey, if your father allows it, we can hang out afterwards, as a make-up for yesterday? I'm really sorry I didn't pay much attention to you." I heard an agreeing hum on the other end of the line. "I'll ask. See you later, honey!" "See you later, bye." I hung up the phone and set it to the side, then stood up to get everything I would need for the mall and convince my brother to drive me.

- Timeskip -

The mall was full of screaming children and adults, teens who walked by and dropped trash carelessly, and workers who were trying to pick it upon time. I looked around, trying to find my friends. "Alex, over here!!", I heard Herc call. I looked to where the voice was coming from, and saw him and John standing next to a ScoopsAhoi and waving. Lafayette wasn't with them yet, but he was always late, so that was to be expected.

I walked over to them. "Hi guys, is Laf not here yet?" John gave me a quick kiss, then laughed. "It would be a surprise if he was." The three of us got some icecream, not even surprised by the kids in the back playing DnD, and went back outside. A few minutes later, Laf joined us. "Salut mes amis, sorry for being late!" "It's fine Laf, don't worry." He nodded and went inside to get icecream.

Time passed and we talked about this and that, mostly talked crap about the people at our school, but hey, what else is there to do in a small town? There was Thomas Jefferson, the somehow popular asshole, who only has people who follow him because he has money. There was Maria Reynolds, she was actually a nice person, but unfortunate situations have given her the title of school whore.

And of course Aaron Burr. As much as I hated Jefferson, I didn't know what to think of Burr. He never gave his opinion, never got into trouble, nobody at school even really knew anything about him but his name. He wasn't an asshole, but he also wasn't nice, he just kind of always assumed he was smarter than anyone else. I hated that about him. I also hated talking to him, because I never knew his opinions, which means I could neither agree nor argue with him.

"You're talking about me? How nice." Startled, I turned around and threw my ice cream into Burr's face. Wow, why does everybody have to sneak up on me today? Okay, maybe I did that on purpose. He looked at me with venom in his glare and wipd the ice cream from his cheek. I stood up and held my hand out to him. "Mr. Burr, how nice to see you! Yes, we were indeed talking about you, is there something you had to add to the conversation?"

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