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Image fron Arena of Valor
Just imagine Taeyong and you wore something like that
Deja Vu~Dreamcatcher

That raining night

Xiao stared in horror as he and Dottore caught Y/N.

"She's heavily wounded, we have to get her medical attention." Hissed Dottore as he gently carried her from Xiao.

"Why didn't you call me?!" Asked Xiao, bitterly.

"Xiao... how could you let her out of your sight! Look at what Dottore did to her! I knew I shouldn't have trusted you or him for that matter!" Yelled Taeyong as he turned to find the situation.

Xiao was too upset to explain to Taeyong the situation, "You Shut it!" He glared at Taeyong. 

"What did you do to my girl?!" Thundered the Dragon archon, ignoring Xiao.

Lightning flashed as the rain began a furious downpour.

"You Fatui really love stealing things, first my gnosis and then her!" Roared the dragon archon.

He then faced the Fatui Harbinger.

"Give her back, you psycho!" He roars.

Dottore remained emotionless.

Xiao stood in the rain.

"Dottore is trying to save her." Xiao growled at Taeyong.

"You're lying!" Yelled Taeyong as he angrily lashed his dragon tail.

Xiao hesitantly drew out his jade spear. 

"Move aside!" Ordered Taeyong, growling menacingly. 

"No!" Replied Xiao firmly, "because I earned his trust and in return, he earned my trust." Replied the Adeptus.

"THIS MONSTER KILLED HER!" Argued Taeyong as he slammed his tail angrily against the rock.

"Taeyong, why don't you look at the fucking situation first?!" Asked Xiao, now angry.

"Why are you siding with him now?! Did you finally join the Fatui too Xiao?!" Asked Taeyong, refusing to listen to his friend. 

"No! I was watching her the whole time... Taeyong I'm afraid I'm guilty too..." Began Xiao.

"What did you do?!" Asked Taeyong, now facing Xiao.

"Taeyong I called to tell you that she is currently unconscious because of the fight from an Archon. She protected us from that archon." Replied Xiao, who looked like he was about to cry.

"Which fucking one?!" Asked Taeyong.

"The Sustainer." Whispered Dottore.

"Unknown god and a shadow copy." Replied Xiao.

"Why didn't you help her?!" Asked Taeyong.

"She slipped out without my knowledge." Growled Xiao, "and she didn't call me for help."

"Did you not sense any danger?!" Asked Taeyong.

"By the time we arrived to help, she was almost dead." Whispered Xiao.

"If you wanna save her then get out of our way." Hissed Dottore.

Xiao then started tearing up.

"We're so sorry-" Xiao whispered, hiding his tears.

Taeyong cursed and began to cry as he curled his tail around himself.

"It's not your fault, at least you tried." Taeyong's voice faltered.

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