Fatui agents vs Shogun soldiers

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"May we meet again." The 100 (movie quote)

Genshin 2.0 OST ~Mihoyo

Late that night

"Good luck out there Aj, Felix, and Changbin," I replied as I watch our three friends place on their Fatui masks.

"Yeah, you too, good luck on your next plan." Replied Felix as he shook my hand.

"This is for Bangchan, Taeyong, Suho and Kun." Replied Changbin.

"We will blend in." Nodded as Aj she led the two boys towards the Fatui agents stationed by the airship.

"Find out everything when you're in Snezhnaya," I replied as I nodded at Aj.

"Yeah, we will, see you soon Y/N." Replied Aj.

"May we meet again," I replied as I stood between Xiao and Theo.

"See you mates," nodded Felix, and he followed Changbin and Aj, waving at us from the Fatui airship driven by Childe.

Third Pov


Doyoung tied Y/N to the chair as he watched her struggle in her own room.

"I'm sorry, I have to borrow the spaceship for our revenge, we're going to look for answers in Russia." He replied, apologetically.

"YOU ARE MAKING A MISTAKE DOYOUNG! One day You will end up just like Him!" Yelled Y/N angrily, not caring what she was saying.

"I'm doing this for Taeyong! Can't you understand!" Yelled Doyoung as he glared at her.

The chair broke and flames engulfed Doyoung.

Doyoung managed to grab the girl firmly by the wrist.

"Please Y/N!" Pleaded Doyoung.

"Fine! Take the spaceship!" Struggled Y/N as Doyoung released her and left her house.

"I'll give this back to you soon! And the answers you need!" Yelled Doyoung from outside.

"You Will Pay just like the others!" Was all Y/N replied as the door closed.

But Doyoung was out of earshot.

He'll never be on Y/N's kill list anyways.

Meanwhile somewhere in Tokyo, Japan

"Sir, they just departed for Russia," Began a Fatui agent, as he stared at Scaramouche.

"Find the airport they plan to land and send the news to Signora." Ordered Scaramouche.

"You will do no such thing!" Yelled a voice behind Scaramouche as two figures jumped into the dojo.

A sword unsheathing sound was heard and a gunshot went off.

Scaramouche managed to swiftly dodge the bullet from the shooter.

"Kazuha, we meet again, and who is this young man?" Asked Scaramouche, glaring at the tall young man next to Kazuha.

"Nakamoto Yuta and you Scaramouche are coming with us." Growled Yuta as some of the NCT 127 members surrounded him.

"Tie him up!" Ordered Winwin as Jungwoo and Haechan grabbed Scaramouche by the arms and tied him with heavy chains and handcuffs.

"Fine, but they already know, and soon, you won't able to stop them!" Smirked Scaramouche.

"Bring him in too!" Ordered Yuta.

The Fatui knife agent struggled between Jungwoo and Winwin. Haechan was cursing a string of curse words towards the Fatui agent.

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