Taeyong, Xiao & Zhongli

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"Hey, where's Xiao?" Asked Aj.

"Xiao's had left with Zhongli, he's at his place for injuries," Replied Y/N sadly.

Y/N had just returned from hearing Hongjoong's story.

Aj teleported to Zhongli's place.

"Hello." Greeted Zhongli.

"Ooh I was right-" Goes Aj as she saw Xiao having tea with Zhongli.

"Aj, can we help you?" Asked Zhongli, glancing towards her.

"Oh Hi Aj." Began Xiao, "There's a new bald spot on your back-" noted Xiao, pointing at the wolf's new small bald spot.

"Well Imma stay away from Taeyong today," Declared Aj, a bit angry.

"The spot, it's barely noticeable." Reassured Xiao.

"Why- don't you guys have something I can cover?" Asked Aj, looking around.

Xiao tries not to choke on tea and laugh as Zhongli gave her a handkerchief

"Thank you Zhongli," Replied Aj as she took the hankerchief.

"Taeyong's out with Doyoung of course. Surprised, he forgave what Doyoung said." Replied Xiao, looking at the instagram post.

"Nope, I would rather not do that cause Taeyong literally dragged me out of my room." Muttered Aj.

"Oh?" Asked Xiao.

"Zhongli xiansheng, a lot of things happened while you were gone!" Exclaimed Aj.

"Hmm? Is that so?" Asked Zhongli, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes," nodded Aj.

"Shit happened. Taeyong beating some of us up...My lord, he doesn't like me at all." Replied Xiao.

"How so?" Asked Zhongli.

"Taeyong was beating us because he sees us as monsters." Replied Aj.

"He uses us as his punching bags," Adds Xiao.

"He doesn't trust you? Or-," asked Zhongli.

"Yep." Interupted Aj.

"It's complicated my lord." Sighs Xiao, shaking his head.

"Well Doyoung said that it will take time for him to accept us, I think but yeah." Replied Aj, scratching her hair.

"The dragon king..." Nodded Zhongli.

"YOU KNOW HIM?!" Asked Xiao, shocked.

"Back in my earlier years, I saw a young prince. He was quite kind, sometimes arrogant. But kind and there was a girl with him- he thought and treated her highly." Replied Zhongli.

"And?!" Asked  Xiao and Aj

"I met him on my travels. He was an interesting dragon. He spoke of the girl highly. He also found me very interesting. I was Rex Lapis dragon back then, he spoke highly and respectfully to me. We were acquaintances, you can say." Answered Zhongli, explaining.

"You never fought with this guy?"Asked Xiao.

"Well, he has this sort of different power. We dueled once. He is a powerful dragon alright. Few dare to challenge him." Replied Zhongli, shaking his head.

"Already learned that lesson-" fumed Aj with arms crossed.

"We both did," blinked Xiao.

"Well that dude is crazy shit!" Exclaimed Aj.

"I avoid fights with him because it won't do any good for us to fight. We are peaceful throughout the years." Began Zhongli, he continued, "He never had a problem with me. He did, however, had a problem with Alatus."

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