Part 2

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As the the day progressed, Eloise got quite a boost from having a newfound mentor, especially Sephiroth who was the great hero of the age. Zack wasn't on the same trail as her, he was more worried than anything else and he wasn't sure if it was because of Sephiroth and his firm appearance or the way he fights so violently. Did he really want Eloise to end up fighting like that? Could she even last for more than a week?

Zack sighed and pressed the button for her floor. Looking at her back, it was obvious she was trembling in excitement and she was happy. Zack shook his head and tried to think positively.

Eloise found her room on the 25th floor. It wasn't anything fancy but it was moderate. It looked like a 5 star hotel room, if she were to be sincere. She was content with her new lifestyle.

While she was looking through her new room, Zack rubbed his neck nervously, "You know, if you want I can talk to Angeal and then maybe-"

Eloise rolled her eyes and threw one of the smaller pillows at his face. "It's fine. I want Sephiroth as my mentor. He is the best, right?" Zack nodded. "Then he will help me improve. I didn't enter SOLDIER just for fun, Zack. I want to do something meaningful. I want to help people and help construct a better world."

"Are you sure SOLDIER is the best place you can do that?"

She nodded confidently. "If it will make me stronger, then yes." She sighed and jumped on the bed. "In the end, what can go wrong?"

Zack had a few ideas listed somewhere in a notebook.

That night, Eloise was so excited that she had to go to the bathroom on numerous times. It was around 4 in the morning when she decided she had enough and wanted to get some fresh air. Unfortunately, she didn't know any balcony or any other room except the lounge and she wasn't even sure she could remember the way there. She walked groggily towards the elevator and waited patiently for it. While standing there, half asleep, she heard the sound of footsteps coming from down the hall.

"And who might you be?" He asked but she didn't respond. "Aren't you going to respond to my question, newbie?"

She rolled her eyes and glanced at him over her shoulder. Her eyes widened, surprised by what was standing there nonchalantly. He was taller than her, he was very handsome, he had red hair and he was carrying a book. But, what impressed Eloise were his eyes; his eyes were mako infused too but so clear and beautiful.

"Eloise Fair. I am the new 3rd class SOLDIER." She mumbled loud enough for him to hear.

The man walked closer to her and stopped right beside her. He titled his head so that he could see her face better. It looked like he scanned her quickly, maybe looking for some kind of threat. He found none so he smirked and started to recite from his book out loud.

"Don't you know it's rude to stare?" He asked, though he wasn't even looking at her. His eyes were glued to the book. She didn't even realize she was staring until he told her.

"I am not interested in your book. Why don't you read silently, only for yourself?" Eloise snapped, completely forgetting that he was a stranger and could easily overpower her if he wanted to.

With slow moves, he placed the book into his jacket and continued to stare at the elevator. When it finally arrived on their floor, the two entered in complete silence. That, until the man turned to her.

"Where does the newbie want to go at this hour?" His voice was deep and husky; manly.

"The lounge." She answered coldly.

The man pushed the button for her level first. It wasn't that far, the lounge was only 5 levels below. She glanced at him from the corner of her eye and inspected him.

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