Chapter 23

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Eloise woke up a few hours later in the lab. She couldn't move but she could hear and was sure that Hojo stuck something inside her body because she felt numb.

"Did you make up your mind, Genesis?"

She couldn't see anything but she felt him glancing at her.

"It's either her life or yours." Hollander continued, snickering at the end.

"I know that." The redhead snapped, "I don't want her to think I am the bad character. But I know that is what I will become."

As he spoke, she felt warmth coming closer and a cold hand grabbed hers.

"I think you underestimate Eloise's character. Her life changed once she entered SOLDIER and she welcomed it with her whole heart. She might be the only one who won't judge you." Hollander added, sounding comforting for a second.

"She will be disappointed," Genesis admitted, though it wasn't true.

"You underestimate her."

She heard Hollander shift and the door opening and closing, meaning that Genesis left.

When she woke up for real, Eloise was alone in her room. She got up quickly and dialled Genesis' number but he didn't pick up. Checking the time, she remembered she had training in 15 minutes and had to get ready. In the shower, she remembered the discussion she overheard in the lab. She had a lot of questions for Hollander.

The next few days became hectic. The Wutai War begun and many 3rd class SOLDIERs were sent on the field. When only a few returned, Shinra sent Genesis for more information. It's been a month since then and Eloise was worried.

"Don't pout. It makes you ugly." Zack stated, jumping behind her on the sofa.

She rolled her eyes and pushed her brother harshly. Her mood changed drastically and so did the colour of her energy: instead of electric blue it was green. Her body was changing on its own, not only in training while she was fighting to keep her emotions under control.

"What if something happened to him? Wutai is a war zone."

Zack sighed and wrapped an arm around his sister.

"Look, why don't you come and assist me in training? You can stay in the control room with Angeal and watch the magic happen."

She scoffed.

One way or another, Zack dragged Eloise out of her room with him. The war wasn't doing her any good. She had a lot of missions in a matter of days and her training sessions with Sephiroth became rare. The 1st class SOLDIER was always busy. She didn't complain. Reno was very busy as well so that left her with few people to talk to. Besides, she hasn't been sent on the field in Wutai; her missions were mostly in Midgar.

When she entered the control room, Angeal invited her to take a seat.

"Is this going to be fun? Is he going to get his ass kicked?" Eloise asked expectantly.

Angeal shook his head and pushed a button.

"Watch me in action sis!" Zack's voice was too optimistic.

Zack Fair wasn't a bad fighter at all. He was that pure boy that wanted nothing else but to be a hero for those in need. He wanted to protect those who couldn't fight for themselves.

"Are you sure Shinra is the best place for that?"

She realized what he meant back then. Eloise had no idea what was going to happen and even if she imagined, it was nothing like reality. She wasn't a monster but she wasn't a hero either. Truthfully, she didn't know what she was anymore.

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