Chapter 28

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Life moved on whether he liked it or not. Eloise didn't wake up and had to be kept under observation. Sephiroth became even colder and more mysterious. He was going somewhere, doing something no one knew but Zack had a lot to think about by himself. The buster sword was the proof that everything did happen. It wasn't a dream.

A few months later, Zack became the official trainer of the infantrymen and 3rd class SOLDIERs. It was nice to have Cloud on the team. They were all rookies; inexperienced young boys. He was like that once. His sister was once like that too. The happiness of being a newbie was valuable and Zack was going to show them that.

"One piece of advice," He started, his eyes darkening. "No, an order. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your SOLDIER honour. Got it?"

"Yes, sir!"

He watched them closely, remembering they were supposed to go on a mission. Zack wanted them to return alive; all of them. He already lost too much.

As it seemed, life took a normal turn for Zack. He was finally able to relax. He got a vacation, surprisingly, and got permission to go to Costa del Sol.

But in the Shinra Company, in Hojo's laboratory, Eloise was squirming out of her cocoon. She first moved her fingers. Hojo found that as a muscle contraction but afterwards, she started to move her head. In the end, she opened her eyes and woke up. It was good news if she was normal and healthy but she wasn't. Her DNA changed completely and her behaviour did too.

Her once pale blue eyes were an intense turquoise colour. Her hair was a lighter colour and she was definitely taller. Hojo watched his experiment grow into a real woman. She was older and more mature. She was seeing the world with different eyes. Her conception over life and people changed drastically. Eloise wasn't evil but she wasn't bubbly and sociable anymore. She wasn't empty; she could still feel scared, hurt, angry, embarrassed and loved but they were all felt at a lower intensity than normal.

"Eloise Fair," Hojo was beaming with happiness. She was exactly how he imagined. Everything went according to his theories. "Are you ready to go back to SOLDIER?"

"Yes. I'm ready." She answered coldly. "3rd class SOLDIER, Eloise Fair will become active again." She smiled. It was good to be back.

"You won't go back to 3rd class," She raised an eyebrow questioningly. "Lazard informed me. You have been promoted to 2nd class. Your brother is a 1st class already."

It took a few second for her to register the news. Her eyes widened and she felt an incredible wave of happiness. However, it disappeared gradually. It probably was the after effect of her treatment.

When she walked out of the lab, she felt like her life suddenly became better. She first wanted to check her brother but his room was empty. Next, she walked into Lazard's office. He had nothing for her.

"You look different," He stated at a closer inspection.

"You know why. You know a lot, don't you? You knew about Genesis and Angeal too." 

Lazard chuckled.

"I am the director of SOLDIER. I know what happens in the company, Eloise." She stared at him with her new eyes, like a cat watching her prey. Lazard was feeling uncomfortable under her gaze. "Zack is on vacation in Costa del Sol."

"Why did you only send Zack?" She asked, suspiciously precise with her words. "It's not over, is it?" She wasn't going to get any answers from him. There was only one person she could fully trust.

"I want answers."

Sephiroth was ready to leave the company when she jumped in his way. Looking at each other, it was very weird. Her eye colour was more towards blue and her hair was still black; her features weren't exactly like Sephiroth's. She was still unique but for how long, no one knew.

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