Chapter 24

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When they got back, Zack went straight into the lounge without looking twice around. He was scared to meet his sister because he didn't know if he could mask his expressions in front of her. While walking upstairs, towards his room, he saw her walk from across the hall and tensed. Fortunately, his phone rang.

"SOLDIER 2nd class, Zack?"

He frowned, "That would be me. Who's this?"

It sounded familiar yet not really.

"Director Lazard wants to see you. Go to the briefing room."

"Wai-" The other side hung up. Zack took a deep breath and calmed his nerves.

Unfortunately, he met Eloise again at the elevator. She looked paler and skinnier than before and he was ready to ask her if she was alright when she stopped him.

"What did you find in Wutai?" She asked, going straight to business.

"W-what do you mean?" He stuttered, which was a very bad sign.

Eloise threw him a cold look before she scowled.

"There's been a mass desertion in the 3rd class SOLDIER. You, Angeal and Sephiroth left to investigate. You and Sephiroth returned but Angeal didn't." She caught on pretty fast. "I asked Sephiroth and he ignored me."

"It's nothing. We've been attacked and lost Angeal. He will be back soon." Zack answered yet it was so vague that she probably didn't really buy it.

The elevator arrived on their level and Zack got in quickly. She didn't enter but only watched her brother with cold eyes.

"I'm sure he will." She responded, venom dripping from her tone.

Zack felt a chill go down his spine. He didn't know if it was her energy or her eyes, which looked so empty. Actually, for a month already, Eloise has taken a lot of Sephiroth's traits.

"Any word on Angeal?"

Lazard didn't look happy at all. Zack had high hopes for his mentor and would never truly believe that Angeal could turn his back on the company, moreover on him. Besides, Genesis was under suspicion of deserting as well and it was going to be hard on the company.

"He hasn't contacted his family either." Lazard added with a grim look.

Zack gave up. He had to ask for answers but he didn't want them from Lazard. He had to meet Angeal and talk to him in person.

"What's this about?" Zack asked once the desktop turned on.

Lazard glanced at his subordinate and crossed his arms in front of his chest. He had to deal with Zack, which was easy but he didn't want to know how Eloise will react later on. She was nothing like her brother and she spent too much time around Sephiroth.

"I have a new assignment for you. I want you to go to the hometown of our missing SOLDIER 1st class, Genesis. According to the parents, they've had no contact with Genesis whatsoever. But, they can't be trusted."


Lazard glanced over his shoulder.

"For the same reason I don't trust Eloise with this matter. They want to protect him. They are his parents."

Zack flinched, "So that's why you don't want to tell my sister about Genesis. But she knows something happened. She's not stupid."

Lazard chuckled and leaned back against his chair.

"I know. But that is not your problem. You have an assignment right now. If you want Eloise to be safe, you have to obtain information."


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