Chapter 14

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When Eloise entered the simulation room for her training with her mentor, her mood dropped immediately. Her eyes narrowed as she continued to walk warily closer to him.

"What are you doing here?" She questioned him coldly.

Genesis didn't have enough time to respond because someone else did for him.

"You improve at a great speed, Eloise. Today, I want you to fight Genesis." Sephiroth explained, just as coldly.

Her head snapped towards the grey-haired man and she actually sneered. Eloise could hardly register anymore that the one she was sneering at was none other than Sephiroth.

"You want me to fight against Genesis?! But he is a 1st class SOLDIER! Even if he doesn't look like a powerful person, he must be." She said, extremely calm compared to how annoyed she was.

Genesis glared at her and scoffed. He did look like a powerful SOLDIER and he was one. Eloise was stupid to underestimate him. Sephiroth's eyes glanced between the two, greatly amused.

"You should be honoured to fight me, ungrateful little girl." Genesis snapped.

"What do you know? Weren't you the one questioning my fighting abilities?"

Genesis scowled.

"Exactly. It's time for you, Eloise, to show your true potential to Genesis."

Sephiroth's words were only a nudge. He knew how anxious and frustrated she was around Genesis. That could become a good test to see how well she could control herself.

In the end, everyone accepted. She was growing anxious with every glance at Genesis but his expressionless face was annoying. Sephiroth walked upstairs, into the control room and watched bemusedly as the two culprits were seizing each other.

Suddenly, the simulation room changed into Sector 8.

Eloise's eyes widened for a second. Not even the memories of the night with Zack could make Sector 8 look less scary.

"Is there something wrong, Eloise?" She tried to ignore Genesis's taunting but he continued, "Did you get scared already?"

He knew how to push her buttons. She drew her sword out and faced him.

As they both knew, Genesis attacked first. He swayed his sword to the side and tried to intimidate her but it didn't work. She blocked his sword and kicked him. The force she was using wasn't impressive, it was suspiciously normal. Genesis chuckled smugly before he leaned in.

"Is that all you can do?" He whispered with a certain glint in his eyes that made her hands tingle.

Eloise glared at him and pushed him away. Her eyes hardened and her grip on the sword tightened. She launched two attacks at the same time: she swayed her sword to his side while she ducked. The brunette wanted to kick him in the ribs but he saw that coming and kicked her in the chin. It hurt. He wasn't playing anymore.

Eloise rubbed her chin and winced. It really hurt. She closed her eyes and concentrated, especially since she didn't want to use the blue energy. Genesis knew her secret therefore she had to use her own power, the one within, in order to gain his respect.

Eloise opened her eyes and waited. Genesis smirked cockily and traced his hand over the rapier, making it glow. She remembered his fighting style from before and decided she should be careful. He was more of a crazy guy in the battle.

Genesis formed fireballs into his hand and threw them at her. It was enough to distract her and give him time to sneak behind her and try to slash her side. It wasn't that easy. She saw that coming and blocked it.

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