Chapter 30

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"Eloise! Wait up!"

After her mentor and former crush left, Eloise grew annoyed and anxious. Zack could only guess the reasons and he was probably right.

"Come on, wait for your older brother!"

"Which one!?" She yelled over her shoulder, glaring at Zack.

"Right. Bad choice of words." He muttered to himself as he followed his sister closely.

Once they left the facility, they found Tifa trying to fight a creature. Cloud was already on the ground wounded forcing Zack to take action. After that was done, Eloise sent Tifa home while Zack took Cloud into their room.

It was quite an unfortunate day. Six soldiers entered Nibelheim. Two got shaken up by a secret summoning and had to be taken back. Another one was Cloud and didn't look like he would end up differently. Moreover, Zack found out the truth about her condition and Sephiroth started to doubt his existence. It was one unfortunate day.

That's why when Sephiroth called Eloise to come to the Shinra Mansion to help him find more information about Jenova she decided one brother was in more need of comfort than the other.

The whole Shinra Manor was upside down. Some books were spread on the tables while other documents were lying around. Sephiroth was in the library reading a document while he was sneaking glances at another one.

"You really want to know who you are, don't you?"

Sephiroth didn't speak nor look at her. He was absorbed by the need to find out the truth.

"Don't you?"

She sighed and grabbed a random document off the table.

"I've been created to entertain you. Is there something more to it?"

At that point, he looked up at her with a judging gaze. He didn't like how she characterized herself. She wasn't a toy, at least not in his eyes.

"Are you going to accept everything and not ask questions? They stole your life and your family from you."

That was a very good point that Sephiroth didn't have to underline for her. The guilt she was feeling was enough.

For the next few hours, she only sat and read random documents.

One project in particular caught her attention. It was about a man who got hurt in a mission. Because his wounds were severe, the doctors didn't give him high chances to survive therefore, Hojo and his partner took him and created the perfect weapon. However, the side effects were quite monstrous and even though he became an immortal creature, he still had emotions. Those emotions made him unstable and dangerous. He was Project V; a project that followed Hojo's selfish desire to create immortality.

Except that, Eloise found many projects regarding Jenova cells. Unfortunately, most of them became unstable and got labelled as failures. She found as many projects regarding the Life Stream from what she could understand that once a soldier is injected with mako energy, when he dies he automatically becomes part of the Life Stream. Materia was made of Life Stream energy, as well. If a soldier were to use too much materia at once, he would lose his own life energy and be consumed by the mako.

Overall, she read about the projects regarding anything but Jenova. Hojo has been working for Shinra from a very young age and most of his projects were involving weapons.

"Eloise! Here, read it." Eloise's eyes widened when Sephiroth placed a few documents in front of her. The title was giving out the subject: Project E.

September, 2020

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