Chapter 27

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Eloise woke up from her sleep with a jolt. She was huffing and shivering. Something happened to Zack; she could feel it. She got out of bed and walked out. She just reached the elevator when she dropped against the wall. Her head was pounding. Her heart started to beat faster and her vision became weird. She could see everything swirl and the elevator doors multiplied.

"Miss, are you alright?" She couldn't make out where the voice was coming from but felt someone wrap a hand around her waist and raise her. "You don't look well. Let me take you to the infirmary."

"Take me to the laboratory."

The infantryman nodded. It took a while until they got there. He had to carry her because she had no power to move. He was worried because she looked bad and there was no one around to help her.

In the end, Hojo had no choice but to place her into a mako tub. She was weak and her body was regenerating. Eloise needed time to replace her own cells with Jenova's. He needed blood for a transfusion. She wasn't going to make it without a little help so Hojo had to call for Sephiroth. He felt partially sad, in some unknown depth of his heart. He was changing her completely. Her DNA was going to be a replica of Sephiorth's and she wasn't going to be Zack's sister anymore; she was going to be Sephiroth's.

Meanwhile, Sephiroth returned to the company. Genesis copies infiltrated every corner of the building. It was loud and the soldiers were out fighting the enemies. One person wasn't there. Sephiroth narrowed his eyes and barged inside her room. It was empty. She was either messing around or she was stupid enough to go after Genesis.

He was hurrying down the hall when he got attacked by a copy. He slashed it in a second. Angeal appeared with Zack out of nowhere. They got in through the window. They had to split. Genesis wanted to kill Hojo. That was bad news. Sephiroth didn't see it as a bad idea, though. Zack got assigned to protect the scientist.

Genesis got into the laboratory in record time. Hollander wanted Hojo dead but Genesis had a few questions first.

"Well, look who's here," The scrawny scientist was not scared. If anything, he was excited. Even with a sword at the back of his neck, he wasn't bothered. "Hollander sent you, correct? You think that if you obey Hollander, he'll stop your body from degrading, is that it? Pitiful, just pitiful I say." He smirked.

"Genesis," Zack got there just in time and Hojo was glad he could deliver the news to so many at once.

"A second-rate hack like Hollander couldn't cure a cold!"

Angeal entered the laboratory and stopped the fuss.

"Genesis, that's enough." 

The redhead glanced at his friend but didn't retract his sword.

"What do we have here?" Hojo was amused by the whole situation.

"My friend, the fates are cruel. There are no dreams, no honour remains. The arrow has left the bow of the goddess." Those lines were presenting the cruel reality.

"The entire cast of Hollander's freak show," Hojo said with a shake of his head.

Genesis was looking at Angeal when he noticed something from the corner of his eye. He hurried in front of the tub and took a closer look at the floating body.

"What have you done to her?!" He was ready to slash the scientist in two when Angeal stopped him. Hojo only chuckled bemusedly.

"She wasn't Hollander's to begin with. She is my experiment. She is my weapon and she is evolving so well~"

Genesis was visibly mad. He left her for her own safety not to become worse.

"What are you talking about?" Zack asked, confused.

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