Chapter 13

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"Are you better now?"

Zack didn't have any new missions for the rest of the week. Unfortunately, he decided to stick around his sister. Eloise didn't like the attention and Zack was a magnet for it. He was well known around the Shinra Building as the –optimistic puppy mentored by Angeal- a courageous young man who could become a SOLDIER through a lot of perseverance and hard work.

"You don't have to guard me, Zack. I'm fine."
The older brother didn't listen to his sister. She was always busy with training and missions, moreover she had one mission every two days, just because Lazard found it entertaining. She was supposed to improve quickly and become a 2nd class in no time. Zack was sure that she was going to make it; she was going to become a hero.

"You promised me bonding time. Let's go do something." The boy whined, his eyes glistening.
That wasn't going to end well.

In the end, Zack dragged Eloise in Midgar.

"A bar. You took me to a bar where men get drunk and become insatiable beasts."
Zack nodded happily before pushing her closer to the barstool and asking for two beers.

"Who knows? Maybe you'll even find a boyfriend~" He moved his eyebrows up and down suggestively.
Eloise bit her lip, trying hardly to contain a rude response.

"What are you planning, Zack?"
His smile dropped a little, changing into a boyish grin. He did plan something but didn't want to ruin the surprise.

After her third beer, and after a few men who tried to hit on her, Eloise decided she was never going to enter that bar ever again. It was uncomfortable. Zack was still drinking and didn't look drunk at all. The Fair siblings were resistant drinkers.

At some point, Zack's smile appeared again and his attention focused on the entrance. She rolled her eyes, thinking that Zack invited a few friends for a drink as well.

"Is there a reason why more people are going to come?"
Zack patted her head and chuckled.

"You will definitely like these guys," He whispered in her ear.
The noise was getting louder and her head was pounding. She didn't have unlimited sources of patience. Training with Sephiroth was getting harder and his blows were painful. She had new wounds every day. On the other side, her 3rd class training was going smoothly.

The guys whom Zack invited to their short free time were people she had seen before. Her grimace shifted quickly into a grin.

"Reno!" She was happy to see the redhead. He was the only person she could genuinely call a friend.
His eyes widened when he saw her and hurried to their side.

"Eloise! What a coincidence!" Reno emphaiszed the last word, both turning to Zack. "Did ya miss me?" He asked in a softer tone.

"I did, as a matter of fact. It's fun when you are around."

Reno's smirk evolved into a wide smile. His head perked up to Zack who was talking to the other guy. He looked like a high ranked man; maybe politician.

"Did you hear that, Tseng? It's fun when I'm around!"

The older man rolled his eyes. His eyebrows were furrowed and he didn't seem to be pleased about anything.

"See? They are fun, sis!" Zack was beaming. He was happy to see his sister smiling. "You already met Reno and I heard you got close. This is a good friend of mine, Tseng. He's also a turk."
Her eyes travelled to the man in a black suit. He looked more like a noble than a lackey.

"So while trying to set me up with Reno, you called a friend to catch up?"
Zack nodded and ordered another round of beers. Eloise sighed. She wasn't going to get any sleep that night.

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