Chapter 11

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On her way back to the hospital wing, Eloise flicked through the pink book. Loveless held the secrets of Genesis and if she wanted to get to know him, she had to search the answers in that book.

That was why for the rest of the night, Eloise read Loveless. She was mind blown by the subject; the story itself was about three friends who went on a journey. She didn't have to be very smart to realize who the three friends were.

A few hours later, Eloise woke up with the sun shining brightly on her face. She groaned and tried to block the light with her hand while getting up. Her condition improved quickly and she was ready to leave after her routine control.

On the way back to her room, she checked her pockets for the Loveless book; it was safely tuck in there. Once inside her room, she got ready for another day of training. It was still early and she could get there in time for the second session. She was fully healed and didn't need a reason for her mates to make fun of her abilities.

Thankfully, the day progressed nicely. Unfortunately, they lost a member of the team and two were still in the hospital; it left a bittersweet taste in her mouth.

After the training finished, she went straight to her room. She knew that her wounds and burns disappeared out of nowhere but she didn't know how big were the consequences for using her energy.

"You shouldn't move too much."

Eloise flinched and turned her head quickly in order to see the intruder. She realized she didn't even close the door after she entered.

"Angeal, I didn't know you came back."

He nodded his head as he entered her room. She was trying to push the covers and pillows in order but it looked like she had a few problems since her body was reacting by its own. She could feel her legs trembling but she didn't show it.

Angeal's eyes travelled around her room. Truthfully, it didn't look like someone was living in there: she didn't have many stuff on the shelves and she rarely used the kitchen. The unmade bed was the only sign that someone was living in that room.

"Zack was worried. He was ready to take a few days off just to stay by your side."

"But he didn't, thankfully. I'm not a child. I can take care of myself." She grumbled.

Angeal took a few moments to observe the young SOLDIER. There was something new about her; she looked and behaved the same but something was off.

"Have you talked to Genesis?"

Her eyes widened and she stopped making her bed.

From the corner of his eye, Angeal saw her trying to hide something in between the pillows. He shook his head bemusedly but didn't add anything else.

"Actually, he's been very moody lately. I wonder if it isn't time for him to get a mission. He has a lot of free time." Eloise added in a hurry.

Angeal raised an eyebrow. "Genesis had a mission two days ago. He ignored it and passed it to me."

Eloise titled her head to the side and blinked confusedly.

"So the mission you and Zack went on was actually for Genesis?" She asked, Angeal nodding. "Then why did he pass the opportunity?"

Angeal sighed and got up. He smiled softly and patted her shoulder.

"You should give him more credit. He does take care of you, in his own way. He gets worried, too. You quirked his interest, remember?"

She stared for a few moments as Angeal left, resembling a lost puppy. That, until she realized what he meant.

"I am NOT his toy!" She whined loudly.

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