Field trips N' Angels

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(GraceRiebold, Thank you so much for requesting! I'm sorry this took so long! I hope you like it!)

Alison looked up from her worksheet at her teacher.

"Okay, class. We have a field trip coming up, we are going to the history museum, here are your permission slips. Have your parents sign them, and we are in need of another chaperone, so if you can maybe get one of your parents to come on the trip with us, and help out, just have them sign the bottom line." The teacher explained to them as she gave them the permission slips.

Alison sighed, she hoped she would be able to go.

The school bell then rang.

"You guys are free to go, your homework and the permission slip needs to be turned in by Monday." The teacher told them.

The kids got out of their chairs and went to collect their things. Alison went and grabbed her book bag, then followed the rest of the kids out into the hallway.

She smiled when she saw dean waiting for her, like he always did.

"Hey, babygirl!" Dean smiled and held his hand out to her.

Alisons smile only widened as she ran to him and took his hand.

"How was school?" Dean asked her.

"Same as usual. But we have a field trip coming up!" Alison cheered.

Dean chuckled at her excitement.

"Really? Where are you guys going?" Dean asked.

"The history museum!"

"Oh, that's sounds awesome. You think you'll see some dinosaurs?"

Alison looked at him like he had two heads.

"Dinosaurs are real? I thought there was only Dino in the flintstones!" She stated.

Dean laughed and scooped her up, swinging her in the air.

"Dino isn't real, but Dinosaurs are. They're just dead." Dean shrugged.

Alisons jaw dropped.

"They went extinct, Ali. They're just fossils now." Dean explained to her.

"Oh. Well, they need someone else to...chap-chaper-"

"Chaperone?" Dean asked with a slight chuckle.

"Yeah." Ali nodded. "Can you or Uncle Sammy do it?"

"How many moms are gonna be there?"

"How should I know, I'm nine."

Dean laughed and kissed her cheek.

"I love you, so much."


Dean carried Alison on his back into the motel room. He set her down on the bed and groaned.

"You're getting too big for this." He stood up straight and bended backwards making his back pop.

"Ew." Alison commented, scrunching her nose up in disgust.

"Hey, Ali, how was school?" They turned their heads as they heard sam ask coming out of the bathroom.

His hair was wet, so more than likely he had just taken a shower.

"It's was okay, we're going on a field trip!" She told him.

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