-first encounter-

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the sky was angry it had colors of blue and grey spread across it with hints of light poking through in flickers every time lighting would strike, loud noises would be made every time the clouds beat together with the ferocity of raging bulls or warriors banging on drums preparing for battle. the seen in front of me was gruesome with blood and entrails sprayed all over the wall and floor of the once peaceful house that could usually be filled with sounds of laughter and joy now dead silent. The disformed feet of a curse slowly walked by you parent dead bodies and jumped out the window not noticing you ever being there and witnessing the whole thing. I slowly carried my self over to my parents lifeless bodies just staring at the remains of what used to be the two people who raised me and cared for me.


the sound of an alarm clock whisked me out of the ever repeating nightmare I have experienced since I was 5,  I'm now 15 and basically de sensitized to this ever repeating hell that goes through my head every time I close my eyes and rest.

Slowly I rose from my bed after several moments of just laying there in silence and headed straight towards the washrooms shower in hopes of waking my self up at least a little. the hot water ran down my hair and back wetting ever inch of my body and slowly but surely waking my self up, after a few minutes of showering and having an impromptu shower concert for literally no one I dried off and changed into my schools uniform. with the help of a brush and a hair dryer my long pink hair was tamed and now cascading down my back, I applied some eye liner and mascara around my e/c eyes and some concealer to cover the three lines on my face that came with the cursed technique I used and headed down stares to be greeted by silence and the faint hum of the refrigerator. 

( sorry if u don't have pink hair it just fits the pictures I'm using and I personally think its really cute, but if u want u can change it. Also this is your school uniform ignore the ears and tails for now please.)

I opened the refrigerator and garbed the bento I made the night before and stuffed it into my school bag with my books and supplies and then made my way to school slowly prolonging the inevitable and enjoyed the fresh air and scenery till I made m...

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I opened the refrigerator and garbed the bento I made the night before and stuffed it into my school bag with my books and supplies and then made my way to school slowly prolonging the inevitable and enjoyed the fresh air and scenery till I made my way to the school gates then the classroom with greetings and waves from other students as I passed by.

the day dragged on till the bell finally rang to dismiss the students for club causing me to instantly perc up being ecstatic for track practice, sadly I was a little two excited and ended up sprinting down the halls and running straight into someone's chest. there arms wrapped around me instantly to stop me from falling pulling me close while my arms came up to press against his chest to brace for the impact. when I lifted my head to see the mysteries person who caught me was non other than Yuji Itadori, someone coach has been trying to get on the track team for some time now but always ends up failing. 

I can see why coach would want him on the team he's supposedly supper strong and fast and now being in his arms and "accidentally" feeling him up it was obvious he wasn't you run of the mill highschool washup, he had potential overflowing from him it just needed to be brought out.

"OMG I'm sorry Itadori I didn't mean to run into you I'm just in a rush to get to track practice I hope you can forgive me." I said with a tinge of annoyance in my voice since I wasn't paying attention to what was happening around me

" Don't worry Y/n it's really fine, have fun at track practice."

and with those words I was off once again, B lineing straight for the change rooms so I could get changed and straight to practice. my specialty here since there's like a bazillion events is straight up running 200 meter sprint easy 400 is a walk in the park and 100 piece of cake, but I guesse u could say I have an unfair advantage since I do have my cursed technique giving me a slight boost.

half way through coach and the boy I ran into earlier Itadori and the other two students in the occult club, one was a bigger male with his face having almost a calming felling I'm pretty sure his name was Iguchi last time I checked and next to him was a averaged sized girl with glasses that framed her face with low cut hair in a bob I'm pretty sure her name is Sasaki. Apparently coach changed Itadori club forms from saying occult club to the track team cause he would be more beneficial to us or something, jezz the guy is a good coach but he can go over board at times. Anyways I guess they made a bet if coach wins Itadori has to join the track team for good but if Itadori wins coach has to leave him alone, personally I wouldn't mind having Itadori being apart of the track team as i said earlier the dued is over flowing with potential to be probably one of the best athletes out there, he could dominate almost any event.

I decided this would be a perfect time to take a break and watch or maybe even go check out the rugby field since a whole bunch of players had to be hospitalized, the cover story the school is using is that they got ticks from the field but I highly doubt that it has to be a curse of some sort. when I was walking of the court towards the rugby field I passed by Sasaki and Iguchi but as soon as I did all the hair on the back of my neck rose and put me on edge there was a huge surge of cursed energy overflowing from one of them and even if I said something I wouldn't want to cause a seen since normal people cant see curse nor should they no they excite some curses literally feed off the fear in peoples hearts it would just make things worse I, would have to come tonight and see if I can get what ever is producing this much cursed energy away from them.

when I made my way over to the field there was a boy staring out at the long expanse of lush green grass with white markings showing the boundaries of the rugby field, the closer I got I could tell he was seeing exactly what I was, this was no "tick infection" no the field was over run with curse and pretty strong ones at that it looked like a field of disformed monster like creatures. when i walked up to him i went straight up and said 

"It's disgusting, Those creatures there swimming through the field like they didn't hurt those students, I know they don't have a will or anything but if only they didn't hurt people."

The boy looked at me with pure shock but quickly returned to his normal calm and almost stoic like expression and just responded trying to sound like he didn't just freak out a little 

"So you can see curses to, that doesn't matter for now I need to go." The boy started to walk away from me till I called out to him

"Hey wait up, what's your name its not  every day u meet someone who can see curse can u please tell me."

He just stopped and tilted his head to look back at me and quickly responded befor walking away again

"Megumi Fushigiro, what about you."

I quickly called out to him

"My name's L/n F/n, but jus call me Y/n."

Megumi just scoffed and walked away back over to were Itadori and the occult club were probably somewhat sensing the exact same thing I did earlier, at this point I decided to take my leave and prepare for what ever event was going to go down tonight, all i know is that it probably wasn't going to end well.

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