-The worst posible outcome .2-

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*y/n pov*

As soon as I let down the shield me and Itadori spilt up, leaving him to fight the special grade curse while I was off to do the task he had asked.

He has to big of a heart....one day it's going to get him in trouble.

It took every fibre in my body to not go back and help Itadori.

I could here sounds of fighting pounding through my head. The smell of blood was strong and the cursed energy that flowed through the single room was strong.

Itadori was distracting it from going after Megumi and me while I finished the task he had asked me to do.

As soon as I finished I rushed over, Itadori was taking in a large scale attack, demolishing his other hand and knocking him far away.

Before I could make it to him the curse sent attack after attack at me.

I was busy blocking attacks slowly pulling my leg back and letting cursed energy flow through...

I pushed the curse back allowing my leg to come up and strike him right in the jaw sending him upwards.

I jumped up pulling the same move I did with the last curse we fought. I send a wisp of flame through him not a ridiculously strong one though just to break his guard.

When it passed through it brought its arms down allowing it on its way back to hit him harder with me sending more cursed energy into the wisp.

Before we fell to the ground I used one of my other techniques

#2 Charm-
being a kitsune known for deception with there beauty the user can put enemy's into a trance like state and but them in a sense of euphoria and become passive, the stronger the target the more cursed energy needed.

#2 Charm- being a kitsune known for deception with there beauty the user can put enemy's into a trance like state and but them in a sense of euphoria and become passive, the stronger the target the more cursed energy needed

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The charm would be hard to hold,
but it would let me get to Itadori and get him out of here.
When I looked over to him he was crying...

Both hands obliterated by the curses relentless attacks...the only thing going through my head was that

"I couldn't help him..."

The shock broke my focus causing the curse to come towards Itadori...

The pink haired sorcerer got up filled with conviction ready to punch the on coming curse with his non existent fist.

He went to punch him only for his destroyed fingers and wrist to be caught by the curse....

The curse was about to strike till a loud wolf howl echoed through.....the signal

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