-the first year squad is complete-

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*Y/n pov*

When we arrived we waited in the packed streets, people flooded in from every direction till we spotted a girl with short brown hair and eyes the color of amber. the girl was talking to a man who seemed to work for a modeling agency in a rather aggressive way to see if she could possibly work for there company as a model. the girl kept asking and asking till he tricked her and bolted as far away from her as quick as he could, once he left Gojo sensei called the girl over.

this girl was the last one of the four first years, when she looked at us all inquisitively while judging us trying to probably get a read on what kind of people we were, at this point I just started to zone out while they were talking doing introductions while insulting each each other

*Nobaras pov*

After arriving I was soon called over by the one the school said would come get me with the other first years.

To be honest when I went over there it was a lot worse than I was expecting and my expectations were already pretty low.

The one with pink hair looked like he ate his own joggers as a kid

And the other one with black hair is already acting high and mighty ugh annoying I bet he likes terrorizing seagulls but lighting them on fire or something

And this girl next to them hmmmmm......

*Y/n's pov*

I was zoning out looking around at all the people and how different they all looked till i could feel about a billion stares were directed at me till I looked behind me.

The new girl with short brown hair was glaring at me till I realized I haven't introduced my self yet. Putting on my best smile and sweetest voice I could I look at he

"Hello, my name is Y/n L/n I'm from Sendai like Itadori. It's a pleasure to work with you I hope we can get along!"

Few happy that's over with....but why is she still staring at me😅.

*Nobara's pov*

The girl finally introduced herself and exsept from almost forgetting to introduce herself that was actually pretty good I think we'll work weal together. She also looks like she has the most mental sanity out of the group...or I could just be assuming things

"Sheeesh, why am I always so unlucky, well boys and girls be lucky cause I'm your other girl and I'm actually pretty and strong to. My names Nobara "

*Y/n's pov*

I kept zoning in and out really not catering enough to listen and also being ridiculously tired till I noticed yelling coming from Itadori and Nobara about were we were going. the were very excited about it I guess they didn't see the city to much, when I was younger me and my parents would travel all over japan to London and Paris.

the place we were said to be going was roppongi

O I don't think this was going to end well....


I'm so sorry I haven't posted in forever I got so caught up in work that I haven't been able to but I will try to post when ever I can. I promise I wont just stop the story because I lost interest iv had that happen to me and its very upsetting.

at this time I'm also working on a skate the infinity story called "Ghost Rider"

and again I'm sorry and I hope you enjoy

Au revoir my darlings

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