-follow up to acseptance-

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When we finished we were taken back to the dorms that Yuji had already agreed to live in and I guesse I did to but to be honest this dosnt really bother me that much. But what does bother me is the fact that all my stuff was in the new room waiting for me, from my gaming set up to my clothes even under garments. This was creepy, how did they even know were I lived and why the hell did they go through my stuff!

As soon as Gojo saw her face he slowly started to back away but before he could her fist cracked straight through his infinity sending him flying from the force behind the punch allowing her to graze his right check leaving both Megumi and Gojo shocked at her being able to do that. Not even asylums king of curses was able to get through his infinity.

Infinity worked like a barrier Around him not letting anybody touch him unless he basically approved it, some of the strongest sorcerers and curses can't even come close to breaking through.

With that Y/n left to her room slamming the door behind her but not before hearing Itadori yell that they will have a mission tomorrow and heel come pick her up for it.

When Y/n entered the room for real she was shocked to see how cute it was Gojo actually captured how she liked it it was surprisingly perfect. He was able to fully remodel the room in the time they fought the proncable Wich wasn't that much once she joined.
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He some how set up everything the way I wanted like my old room, fromThere I showered and went straight to bed knowing there was going to be nothing to doTill tomorrow

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He some how set up everything the way I wanted like my old room, from
There I showered and went straight to bed knowing there was going to be nothing to do
Till tomorrow .

Later that night the sound of my door opening woke me up, it was Gojo with a package that he just left on the table on my room then exited.

I went over opening the package to see a uniform. It was black with a skirt that reached just below my lower thigh before my knee, it had long sleeves with white cuffs and gold buttons down the middle with an open slit in the middle like my kimono I wore before. Finally it had a white kimono that reached just below the skirt and had long sleeves.

From there it had white socks that went above my knee with black combat boots to wear. It also had a white belt winching the waist. To be surprising it had the same feel as my kimono.

———————————————————————————At six the next morning a loud knock woke me up soon to be followed by Itadori waking me up to get going on our first mission and to meet are new team mate and fellow first year

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At six the next morning a loud knock woke me up soon to be followed by Itadori waking me up to get going on our first mission and to meet are new team mate and fellow first year.

When he left I went to shower and did the normal with my hair just leaving it down i changed into the uniform and but on the shoes, I did the same make up I usually do to match my facial features. Then I was ready to go and meet this new team mate.

Sadly when I got out there it was Just me Itadori and Megumi, Gojo sansei ended up being late when he did arrive we were on our way to meet her in Harajuku.

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