-First unofocial mission-

487 18 4

*Y/n pov*

When we got to what Gojo sensai said was Roppongi let's just say it didn't meet Nobara and Itadori's ideal vision.

the building was old and abandoned and had an ominous aura coming from it, it was located close to a cemetery that was also pretty big, I could tell there were going to be lots of curses here and pretty strong ones at that.

while I was busy looking at the building the others were explaining the basics of curses to Itadori.

Curses don't come from scary or creepy places it's the fact that people associate fear and uneasiness with places like these.

The conversation shifted onto Itadori and let Nobara know that the only reason he's here is that he swallowed a special grade cursed object. With that information, a series of disgusting remarks followed.

Nobara quickly got out of the disgusting trance and spoke up "Okay I get why he's here now but what about you....Y/n was it. I thought there were originally only two of us and now Mr finger eater but what about you."

"O me? I helped save their sorry buts the night Itadori ate the finger."

"Ya if it wasn't for her showing up my old friends Saaki and Iguchi would probably be in a lot worse shape, she used something to help heal them and also fought off the other curses! It was sooooo cool!" interrupted by Itadori I just stood there and nodded my head agreeing with what ht he was saying.

with that Nobara stopped and turned facing her back towards us mulling over the information she just received, till Gojo sensai brought us all back grabbing our attention

"I want to know what all four of you are capable of so think of this as a field test of sorts, Noabara, Yuji, Y/n You three go exercise the curses in that building."

"But I thought only curses can exercise curses, I can't use jujutsu yet?"

"If you look at it you basically half a curse already, cursed energy flows through your body. Although controlling that energy isn't something you can learn overnight, So use this.

from there Gojo Sensai pulls out a big knife flowing with cursed energy, It had a big black blade with two holes in it and a leather-wrapped hilt, where the blade and hilt separated was fur.

"slaughter demon, a cursed tool embedded with cursed energy so it will work on curses two."

Nobara just gave Itadori a look of disgust now knowing he couldn't even control his cursed energy, till turning around and putting on a belt walking towards the building with me and Itadori following behind till Senasai called out to us again.

"O and one more thing, Don't let Sukuna out. If you do you'll get rid of all the curses in the area, and we wouldn't want that would we?

with that we all went to the building opening the large metal door shielding the inside stairs leading  to the seconded floor

'Okay this is how this will work Itadoi you stay down here and ill deal with the curses, Y/n come with me so i can protect you since your just our healer."

When Nobara said that me and Itadori just looked at each other then her and just nodded knowing we weren't going to change her mind.

Walking up the stairs leaving Itadori I knew he would be fine from what he showed on the night he ate the Sukuna's finger, he might not be able to use jujutsu but he is very advanced with basic combat.

When we reached the second floor it separated into two hallways leading into different rooms, one had cursed energy flowing from it and it looked like Nobara noticed it to leading the way with an arm out holding me back in a attempt to be protective.

When we entered the room it was filled with mannequins one of them being a curse. We stayed silent till Nobara called out to it saying to stop hiding and come fight but it didn't move a muscle.

Nobara reached into the pouch on her belt pulling out nails and held a hammer, she held the hammer in her dominant hand holding it till throwing the nails up and hitting them on the head sending them flying pinning themselves in the head of the mannequin nocking it over.

With that she turned around looking at me " See I told you I would protect you..."

When she finished saying that the mannequin started being itself up letting a curse come out of it, with that we looked deport in the room hearing a shocked gasp from a little boy.

The curse also noticed going straight towards the boy and holding him with a claw up to his neck holding him hostage, Nobara started dropping her weapons knowing that was the only way out sadly I knew it wouldn't work.

The curse started pushing its claw closer to the boys neck, till a hand burst through the wall destroying the arm of the curse making him let go of the boy.

With the destroyed wall Itadori stepped through next to the young boy who was just dropped.

The curse being out numbered ran straight to the window jumping through just above Gojo-sensai and Megumi.

With this I took it as finally my time to shine.

I moved my right foot behind me and started running after it with calls from Nobara and Itadori protesting I jumped straight to the curse sending a wisp of Fox fire to it hitting straight through its abdomen then coming back through to my fist, The curse was already dead but I have style to uphold.✨✋😌✨

With the cursed energy now in my hand still in the air i lunged forward pushing the curse to the ground with my hand around its neck and a deadly look in my eyes.

When I landed the curse was more than dead, Nobara and Itadori rushed down to check if I was ok along with Megumi and Gojo-sensai off the bench they were on.

When they got to the door I landed and my ears and tail came out flowing behind me.

When I looked back Nobara had a shocked look on her face.

The curse under me dissolved, and I stood up with Gojo-sensai comeing over to me patting my head and petting my ears.

Some may think it's uncomfortable but I find it quite enjoyable like a sight of praise or friend ship.

"You three did good but Nobara you need to be more carefully about these things, also don't go assuming things about curse or your teammates. Unless it's me cause I am the strongest!"

With that Nobara just looked at him agreeing then looked to me and just smiled then said

"next time let me know when your going to pull something like that, and also let me know befor hand that your more than just a healer!" As she continued it started getting more and more aggressive till Gojo interrupted

" we'll now that you all completed your first mission as a team let's go get something to eat on me! Ok what you guys want!"

"Sushi!" From Nobara
"Steak" from Itadori

Megumi didn't say anything not really carding till they looked at me

"We'll as long as I can get something sweet preferably strawberry or f/f."

"Ok well let's go after we drop that kid off!"

We all turned around forgetting about the kid that was now standing at the door.

With that we split off letting Gojo-sensai escort the kid home and leaving us to start walking to the place we would eat are free supper putting away our weapons and my Ears and tail.

This was the beginning of a beautifull kick ass team and friendship.

I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a while I've been busy working and playing Genshin.

I was able to pull kazuha on the last banner and I have been building him and my main Barbara.

I'm a dps Barbara main.

Now again I'm sorry and will try my best to keep working on this story and my other one *ghost rider*

Thank you for all the support

Au revoir

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