Updated skill chart

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#1 Foxfire- a wisp of floating flame forms and can be sent to target an enemy, there can be many of them since they only need a little bit of cursed energy but don't do that much damage in their first form when there jus normal fire. If more cursed energy is poured into them they change to blue and do a lot more damage.

#2 Charm- being a kitsune known for deception with their beauty the user can put enemies into a trance-like state and put them in a sense of euphoria and become passive, the stronger the target the more cursed energy needed.

#3 Soul wisp- a soul wisp works as almost a companion and can be used well for passive based activity's from being a cuddly friend to stalking somebody and getting information or tracking them, the user and the wisp need to stay within a 500-meter radius to have a psychic connection to relay info. if destroyed user will know instantly. only uses a little cursed energy.

#4 Transform / Illusion- can either transform or use an illusion on others or on inanimate objects. to use u must have a clear idea of what u want or the results will be less than perfect. the bigger and longer the transformation or illusion is up the more cursed energy it takes up.

#5 fox form- the name is literally what it means u take on all the attributes of a kitsune and become a full fox, user can still communicate with others through a psychic link. doesn't take any cursed energy to transform into this form, this form can also grow bigger and smaller at will to help with any sudden trips for your convenience.

#6 Unleashed form- as a last resort all the energy that has been stored up in your marks on your checks which is a lot, (8years worth) Is unleashed and flows into the user's body turning the hair white and increasing all their stats. 

-Innate domain/ domain expansion-

Garden of souls

a huge garden of flowers comes out from a huge cherry tree, that is then surrounded by more cherry trees. the main ability of the domain is a sense of euphoria and being able to hit one's soul directly and turn it onto a flower in the garden. when fellow allies are in the radius any injuries are healed, the bigger the injury the longer to heal. 




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