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The wide spread team battle was about to start with each team ready staring ferociously into the forest were curses and the other team awaited them.

Over the loud speaker Gojo could be heard bugging Utahime about giving a speech only to be cut off  by the alarm going off meaning the start of the battle.

*Y/n pov*

As soon as the buzzer went if I switched into my frost tails form and tarted straight with snow warning

Snow warning- Brings in a blizzard doesn't do much damage but works as great cover and a good distraction. most damage is done through curses freezing

Providing cover and taking out any small curses in the forest, I already warned the Tokyo group I just hope they took my word and prepared for the intense cold that was to come.

*Everyone else's pov*

We're Tf did the snow come from?!?!?!?

*Itadori pov*
As soon as the games started a thick blanket of snow was covering the field in seconds, I remember Y/n telling us to switch into our winter uniform confusing almost everybody in the group, we're just lucky that we listened this time around. Also apparently that was the only thing in her plan she felt like sharing before leaving, form there we followed the plan maki set out for us I ran with the group till we were ambushed by Todo, at that moment every one else split off.

I knew what everyone else was doing but Y/n she took off with out a warning at the beginning of the games, I know she can take care of herself so I don't need to worry....I only need to worry about myself right now.

*Y/n pov*

As I was killing off all the weak cursed spirits I heard a loud bang come from the middle of the forest, listening in I heard the voice of Itadori and Mr pineapple head.

"So Itadori what's your type~"


Y are we talking about this in the middle of a fight, tbh I'm kinda curious. getting a closer look wouldn't be too bad right? O who am I kidding I've already secured the win for us with the number of curses I've destroyed alone!

*( she had destroyed over 20 with the sheer power of the blizzard and others that she started hunting down, we love an independent OP reader)*

I started jumping from tree to tree to help get there more quickly and when I turned up I got to hear the best part.

"My type, I like....tall girls with big buts. Like Jennifer Laurence and Y/n!"

Awwww thanks Yuji! 💕

From there the pineapple head totally zoned out falling into his own world

I stayed up in my tree concealing my self and my energy once again to keep watching the show without being noticed.

When the pineapple ( under the sea) woke up he tilted his head to the sky and started proclaiming
"it seems we're best friends"

(Inset surprised pikachu face here)

Still in shock I didn't notice the incoming ambush by all of the Kiyoto team.

All of them started sending atacks at Itadori with intent to kill not bothering to conceal the blood lust they were emitting.

Aparantly me and the todo guy had the same ideas but for diffrent reasons but both summed up to


Todo clapped his hands and switched everyone's positions but mine, todo ended up behind kamo with an intense glare on his face.

From we're i crouched I sent out a wave of ice trapping everyone on the ground holding them in place causing attention to be brought to me, hoes going to have to try a lot harder to steal my spotlight.

Apparently this made the pineapple more mad, people are so ungrateful I grace you with my presence and you get mad at me jeeez.

" I thought I told you to stay out of my way, and I'd kill you if you did, that includes you Tokyo girl!"

Slowly sending the Kyoto students off after more meaningless talking and helping break there teammates out of the ice after already being freezing cold from the blizzard, that's going to be some bad frost bite.

"I said that included you to boba girl!"

"Yo chill there King Kong I was just curious to what my dear Yuji was getting himself into, I'm probably just as upset about those extras running the show as you are. Now carry on I'll be watching from here!"

With that I brought Kiko out and sit on his back to continue watching the fight between the two.

O this is going to be sooo fun!


Hello there my darlings! Sorry I haven't updated in forever! School and work have kinda taken over! And I'm contemplating Making a new book but idk Which anime to use?
Also if any body would like to tell me who we should end up with in the end that would be great! Im good with whatever up to you guys cause I'm to indecisive!

More to come soon! Till next time! Ttyl! Bye darling!💕

9 tailed sorcerer (jjk x reader)storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora